Officers' names at the top of the list: Robert Busbridge, captain; Richard Whitehead, lieutenant; Thomas Bolney, ensign; Henry Beesline and Henry Clayden, sergeants; William Francklin, drummer; Peter Heaward, Thomas Gray and George Norcott, corporals. Three columns of names of soldiers in alphabetical order.
Note at bottom: 'Portsmo. 9ber [November] 30th 1661. Mustered then in Capt. Rob[ert] Busbridge his Companey in his Ma[jes]ties Garrison of Portsmouth under the Command of his Royale Highnes the Duke of Yorke [later James II], the Capt[ain] Lieut[enant] & Ensigne Two Serg[ean]ts & theire Corporalls one Drum with one hundred Private Souldiers'.
Signed by Josiah Stubbin, Deputy Muster Master, Richard Whitehead and Thomas Bolney.