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O./18.6/1 · Item · 1856
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Copy dated 1856 on cover, but drawn up 22 Aug. 1853, by J. [?] F. Delmar, 7 Lincoln's Inn Fields. Indenture between John Broadhurst and Thomas Ambrose Shaw. Pencil annotations to heading alters it to 'Abstract of title of Lord Macaulay's Executors to Holly Lodge..'

O./18.6/22 · Item · 18-27 Oct. 1859
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Dover House, Roehampton, 27 Oct. 1859. - Encloses Mr Broadhurst's receipt. Shaw 'appear[s] to be one of the few who have understood this puzzling income Tax!'

Receipt dated 18 Oct. 1859, for money received from W. A. Shaw as executor of 'the late T. A. Shaw Esqre': half years rent to Michaelmas for Holly Lodge, 'after deducting Income Tax'.

O./18.6/59 · Item · 17 Mar. 1860
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Wycombe Lodge, Kensington, W. - Lord Macaulay held a lease of Holly Lodge from Shaw and his co-executor, Mrs Thomas Shaw; half-yearly rent is to be paid at Lady Day to Mr John Broadhurst; will be glad to know what arrangements have been made in the matter. Would like to see Ellis to 'talk over the position we all stand in'. Mr Broadhurst rents from the leaseholder, Captain Terry. Wonders if Lord Airlie could be persuaded to purchase the lease from Captain Terry or his family, 'and so release all the intermediate parties which to you & to us as Executors is not very agreeable'.

O./18.6/61 · Item · 23 Mar. 1860
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Wycombe Lodge, Kensington, W. - Lists the papers he has relating to Holly Lodge, which are with his bankers, does not think it necessary to 'trouble' Ellis by 'exhibiting them.' Has always paid the rent by cheque to Mr Broadhurst's bankers; recently made an arrangement with Lord Macaulay that he should pay them directly, but Ellis can send the money either to Shaw to be passed on or direct to Broadhurst.

O./18.6/71 · Item · [late 1850s?]
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Large part of letter missing, including signature; perhaps by William Ambrose Shaw. Refers to 'accompanying note from Mr [John?] Broadhurst'; suggests that in future Macaulay should instruct his bankers to pay the rent to Sir Samuel Scott Bart & Co to be credited to Broadhurst's account.