Written in London.
Tasner's address is given as Pest, with the instruction 'ask address at Casino'.
Addressed to Count Teleki at Pest.
Addressed Milnes at Madeley Manor, Newcastle, Staffordshire. Bearing postmarks of 30 and 31 Jul. 1851 on back. Originally containing letters of introduction written by John Paget to acquaintances in Hungary, HOUG/AA/6/1-12?
Written in Leicester; addressed to Baron Bruckenthal at 'Pest - Uri Utza - Kappel Ház'.
Addressed to Baron Wesselényi at Clausenbourg [now Cluj, Romania] or at Drág, near Clausenbourg.
Addressed to Count Bethlen at Pest.
Addressed to Baron Wesselényi at Clausenbourg [now Cluj, Romania] or at Hadad, Transylvania.
Addressed to the Countess at Hidegkuh, near Nagy Báinya [now Baia Mare].
Addressed to Count Károlyi at Pest.
Addressed to Count Teleki at Gyömrő, near Pest.
Addressed to Baron Kemény at Pest.