Title on spine: 'Fitzgerald's Translations | Original Letters and Proof Sheets | Vol. II' [Vol. I is O.10a.42, a volume of letters from Fitzgerald to Quaritch'. 'Extremely interesting & valuable' written in pencil on the first leaf; note below, identifies the hand as Quaritch's. All following items tipped in onto trimmed paper stubs.
Letter from William Aldis Wright to Bernard Quaritch writing as FitzGerald's executor, 22 Jun 1883.
Nine letters from Edward FitzGerald to Bernard Quaritch, 24 Mar. 1879-4 Jun. 1879; the last letter in the book, [Apr. 1979], has a strip of printed proof pasted to it, with corrections by FitzGerald in ink. Letter to FitzGerald, 17 Apr. 1879, incomplete and without signature but from Edward Byles Cowell [see preceding letter, and pencil note at bottom of FitzGerald's letter of 20 Apr.]
Printed proofs of title page, with annotations by FitzGerald, and sub-title page of Jami's Salámán and Absál; proof from the 'Notes' to Omar Khayyám, paginated 35-36, with MS sheet in FitzGerald's hand pasted to it; two versions of revised proofs of pp. 97-112 of Salámán and Absál, with corrections and comments by FitzGerald, including a sheet of paper pasted on at the verso of the second p. 112; printed leaves from the first edition of the Life of Jami, 4 ff., with numerous revisions by FitzGerald, including an MS slip pasted to the recto of the fourth sheet; printed copy of the first edition of Salámán and Absál [1856]., 23 ff., paginated 1-45, with extensive corrections by FitzGerald including slips pasted in at various places.
References to 'the Critic' in the correspondence and notes are to Michael Kerney, Quaritch's chief assistant, cataloguer, and literary adviser.
FitzGerald, Edward (1809-1883), writer and translator