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HOUG/A/B/1/5 · Item · 18 Apr. 1842
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

8 Copthall Court. - The Board Day of the Legal and General Life Assurance Society is tomorrow; asks if Milnes can meet him at their office. If not, he can come next Tuesday. Sends Milnes the questions which will be asked [no longer present]; he will have to sign the proposal on behalf of Mr Brown [the banker loaning Milnes money].

HOUG/A/B/1/6 · Item · 19 Apr. 1842
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Leeds. - Tonight Mr Brown will direct that money for Milnes will be paid to Charles Bischoff's order in London dated 21 Apr.; the sum available will be £473 15s 6d, which is the £500 of Milnes' note, less the discount to the banker's commissioners. Asks Milnes to settle the cost of the policy and the note with Bischoff. Milnes will have nothing to pay on Tottie's account; he will only have £500 to repay when the note matures.

HOUG/A/B/1/7 · Item · 21 Apr. 1842
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

8 Copthall Court. - Had a letter yesterday from Mr Tottie stating that the money would be ready at Mr Brown's bank today; did not write since Mr Tottie said he would write to Milnes direct requesting him to call on Bischoff. Outlines the deductions (for bank commissions, policy and premium etc). The money is in Bischoff's name so if it is not convenient for Milnes to come into the city, he can send Bischoff a note and he will procure and forward the money. The Universal Life Insurance require an extra premium of £8 8s to insure the life of a party going to the Bahamas; this appears 'quite out of the way' to Bischoff; he will make further enquiries.