South Hill House, Bath. - Introduces Mary Carpenter; has visited her ragged school at Bristol; she is gathering information for a work on such schools.
Bristol. - Seeking information for her work on reformatory schools; sources already consulted; her own work locally; Mr Fletcher's report to the Education Council; inability of ragged schools to provide the moral teaching necessary for true reformation without proper state support; recommends provision of schools 'on the Aberdeen and Glasgow plan' and juvenile reformatories to keep children out of prisons.
Bristol. - Did not reply to Milnes' letter from Paris as passage of Bill rendered an interview with Palmerston unnecessary; certificate for Kingswood; girls' reformatories needed; Lady Noel Byron has bought an Elizabethan house [Red Lodge] for the purpose; hopes proposed school will be self-supporting but in the meantime would be glad of funds.
Red House Lodge. - Encloses papers [no longer present] outlining local objections to Hardwicke Resoliutions; has ben attacked by the Bristol Guardians on account of evidence given to the Poor Law Committee.
Red House Lodge. - Mr [Robert] Lowe's changes in the revised code [on education]; suggests amendments regarding certification of teachers for ragged schools; has informed Mr Lowe and Sir Stafford Northcote.