Meeting No.38
Agenda, Minutes.
Meeting No.39, 24 April 1963.
Meeting No.40, 23 July 1963.
Extensive notes and calculations, some in ten bundles as kept by Thomson, others as loose pages.
Royal Observatory Greenwich - GA formally communicated Ross's [James C. Ross] scheme to the Admiralty but received no answer: 'It does not consist of my notions of propriety to go to the Treasury for a matter which must be managed by the Admiralty, unless that Admiralty had given an answer in this shape "We are desirous of doing it, but have no funds"'. That was how he gained funds for the Trigonometrical survey via the Royal Society memorial to the Treasury. GA thinks 'it would be best still to operate privately upon the Duke of Northumberland. If any thing is to be done formally, I suppose that Sabine [Edward Sabine] is the right person'.
Includes correspondence with H.A. Ferreira.
Dr. Gabriele Rabel was an Austrian scientist, contemporary with Lise Meitner, who attended Einstein's lectures in Berlin. Folder includes offprint of her article 'Die Geschichte des "Cavendish"' 1946, miscellaneous correspondence re her house near Cambridge bought with the help of Frisch and other friends, and its disposal after her death in 1963.
Paterson, R. 1940. Re supplies of radon.
Peierls, R.E. 1939
Placzek, G. 1939
The second notebook of four into which Ramanujan's Notebook 2 was copied by an unidentified person, catalogued as Add.Ms.b.101-104. Chapter X is continued from Add.Ms.b.101, and Chapter XVIII is continued in Add.Ms.b.103. Includes two letters from G. N. Watson to B. M Wilson, 28 June 1929 and 1 October 1930 (between ff. 32 and 33).
Ramanujan, Srinivasa (1887-1920), mathematicianIs a sculptor, and went to 'Amadeus' as another night out, but found it profoundly illuminated her own experience as an artist constantly tangled by the labyrinths of administrators, and the power games played, particularly towards her as a woman: 'Salieri, so skilfully highlighted upon that stage, underlined just why power games are so serious to the players'; she left the theatre with 'eight years of social ambiguity and frustration ... succinctly brought into focus'.
British-Asian and Overseas Socialist Fellowship, Transport House, Smith Square, London, S.W.1.—Thanks him for addressing a meeting of the Fellowship at short notice. The meeting was a success, despite the absence of Jayaprakesh Narayan.
(Signed as Secretary.)
George Green and EB are grateful to WW for all his help with the printing and distribution of GG's memoir. Sends WW another memoir to WW by GG: 'the Cambridge Transactions ought to lead all others in mathematics. I am convinced that the want of them is deemed an affectation - You are right about practical analysis - the age of the Warings, the Quixotic Chivalry of science is gone for ever'. George Peacock's algebra - '(to use a comparison) he still begins the Differential Calculus from Velocities'. Richard Jones 'is certainly a very able man - his idea of the labouring Classes gradually coming under the domain of Capitalists, is striking and true'. The 'moral machinery' of industrialisation 'has not kept pace with the population'. WW's Bridgewater Treatise 'is very striking - It certainly places the whole affair on a new and solid foundation'. For EB 'the Belief of a Deity from a view of nature is a matter of impression - what brings direct conviction to my own mind would appear absurd to another, and I never could announce it without hesitating'.
The Royal Institution - Thanks her for the book with the portrait of Sir James in the front.
Is very touched by Trevelyan's dedication of his plays ["Three Plays: Sulla, Fand, The Pearl-Tree"] to him. It is his fault that Madame G[ermanova] did not send the receipt earlier, since he kept putting off his departure for England; now he will leave on Friday, taking the car on the wish of the Singhs with whom he is staying. Will be at 6, Carlton Mansions, Pall Mall S.W.(1), where he stayed with his father. Originally enclosing photographs for Mrs Trevelyan. Asks if Julian was there.
Rocca Bella, Taormina. - has heard the news of the Frys' move to Hampstead from Mrs Enticknap; it is very sad, but hopes they will soon forget Dorking. Will be back in England by Easter to be at [G.E.] Moore's Easter party, which he thinks is to be in the New Forest. Asks Fry if he could come, and persuade Goldie [Dickinson] to come also; has written to [Bertrand] Russell to suggest his coming. Will go to the Berensons next week. Saw a great deal of the Waterfields at Palermo and has got to like [Aubrey] Waterfield very much; wishes Fry could appreciate him more, as Berenson now seems to. Must see Fry as soon as possible as he must settle with Johnson [publisher of Trevelyan's "Polyphemus and Other Poems"].
Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Thanks Bessie heartily; got Mrs Fry here yesterday [see 8/101], and feels she can like and trust her; sorted out plate and linen with her and she goes to 'take possession' [of Donald Tovey] on Thursday. Bessie is almost the only person she can 'bear to hear mention the war'; comments about the 'Slav war'.
Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - He and Bessie send many thanks to his father for the 'duck and hare': they did not realise until they received his mother's letter [11/109] that he had shot the hare himself. They had it for dinner yesterday: George and Janet were visiting, and have just left, both seemed 'very well and cheerful'. George 'seems relieved to get the history [his England under the Stuarts] off his mind'; has been reading the chapter on Queen Anne and it 'seems very good', though George is dissatisfied and thinks it 'too sketchy'. He can always 'treat the subject more elaborately someday' if he wishes. Thinks the book should be successful.
Last time they were at the [new] house, ten days ago, the roof was being finished, almost a fortnight earlier than expected. They have been making arrangements for some of the work on the garden to be done this winter: a 'trained lady-gardener... is to be responsible for the work'. The house looks good and has been 'well built'; since no alterations to the plans have been needed so far, there ought not to be any extra expense.
The 'Sunday Tramps, led by George' came for tea yesterday: 'young [Thoby] Stephen, and J. Pollock, and [George?] Barger, a Dutchman, and [Sydney] Waterlow, and R. Mayor'. All but Mayor are tall, and in their 'rather low rooms they seemed to Bessie like giants; they have never had 'so many and tall people' in the house together. Encloses two Chinese poems; the 'longer one, by a kind of Chinese Horace' was suggested to Robert by his father shooting ducks, but he sees from 'Professor Giles' translations' that it is actually geese; the rest of that poem 'scarcely applies' to his father, but the shorter, 'on Retirement', may. Understands that the translations are 'fairly literal, though the metres of the originals are quite different'. He and Bessie both send love, and Bessie thanks Caroline for her letter. Robert's book [The Birth of Parsival] has already been printed, though probably will not come out till February.
Separate sheet on which two poems [from Giles' Chinese Poetry in English Verse] are copied out: Discontent by Han Yü [title not copied out] and In Retirement by Li Chia-yu.
73 Longton Avenue, Sydenham, SE26. - She and her husband thank Trevelyan 'most warmly' for another volume "From the Shiffolds", which they greatly value; has 'read & reread' the others. Was just about to write to Mrs Trevelyan when the book came; much appreciates how 'beautifully printed' it is, given her bad eyesight. Will include a letter for Mrs Trevelyan with their 'little news'. She is aging and her memory is certainly getting worse, though she recalls things from the 'far past' such as going for a walk with Trevelyan and her sister while their mothers talked. She tore her 'poor summer frock.. nearly from waist to hem' when they climbed a fence with barbed wire, and she remembers Lady Trevelyan mending it 'in the lovely Wallington hall'. Seems a 'far cry' from then to her golden wedding anniversary, which she and her husband celebrated in March; 'what a new world, not alas "brave new world"' it is now. Adds a postscript saying that her husband's arm 'made a perfect recovery': the surgeons said it was '"like a young man's"'.
Pembroke College, Cambridge - Is glad to hear he is not leaving Cambridge, is sorry Frazer is afraid he will regret the decision; plans to meet for lunch on the 14th.
Accompanied by the envelope.
Nymeguen, 85 Waldeck Pyrmontsingel - Re: her wish for Kruyt to arrange some lectures in Holland after May, he has not much influence with scholars in Holland as he was in the Dutch Indies most of his life, but where he has enquired he has been told they cannot arrange lectures so soon; the books are not translated in Dutch, but scholars read them in English, and publishers are afraid a Dutch translation will not sell.
Postmark Liverpool S. D. - Can't get down to see Trevelyan; invites him to stay on his way north, they have some cider. Will be in Darlington on the 30th but hopes to return on the 31st.
Addressed to Trevelyan at the Friends War Victims Relief Committee, France. - His next chess move. Trevelyan's [chess] board is quite correct.