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Add. MS c/94/103 · Item · 8 Dec. 1886
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to having asked Sidgwick 'the other day' about the possibility of discussing a matter concerning himself [Maine], and declares that he has decided to write to him on the subject. Explains that at the funeral of the late Master of Trinity College [William Hepworth Thompson] he asked Vernon Harcourt whether he was going to lecture that term, and that Harcourt replied that 'he should very probably lecture in November; but that, if he did not, he should certainly resign.' November, he observes, is now over and Harcourt has not returned, so that he doubts 'but that he will resign at the end of the year.' He has decided to attempt to succeed Harcourt [as Whewell Professor of International Law], and to abandon his seat on the Indian Council. Acknowledges that this course of action 'will involve much sacrifice of income', but he has long felt that sooner or later he must make his choice between his Cambridge and his [ ] duties. With regard to International Law, claims that he has paid a good deal of attention to it, and used to lecture on it at the Middle Temple. Refers to his work on Ancient Law, and states that some propositions of his on the subject 'found their way into [his work] and have been generally accepted by modern writers.' Reports that since he returned from India, the Foreign Office offered him their Law Undersecretaryship, and that he was 'communicated with from Cambridge...when the Whewell Professorship was first filled up.' Acknowledges that some, who remember that he resigned a Cambridge professorship thirty years before, might think him too old to apply for the position. Mentions that Harcourt's deputy might also be intending to put himself forward. Claims that when he first decided to consult Sidgwick, he was not award that he was an elector, but he has made up his mind that this is not likely to affect his opinion one way or the other. Announces his intention to call on Saturday afternoon; states that he is returning to Cambridge the following evening. Acknowledges that Sidgwick may wish to speak to somebody else on the matter. Says that he has no objection to that, but asks him to try to keep what he may say 'treated as confidential'.

Add. MS c/104/103 · Item · 9 Mar 1902
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Nora for her letter, and admits that she had felt that HS might be too busy for an introduction. Supposes that Nora must be very busy with all the work she has besides Newnham business. Has been watching for the announcement of a memoir of Henry, but presumes that it will take a long time to prepare. Of the notices of his life that she read, she liked best the one in the Pilot. Only attended four of Henry's' lectures, which were 'on some of the great names in French Literature for the Group B students in [her] first year at Newnham', but found his teaching inspirational, and has never forgotten the illuminating effect his lectures had on her.

Is not only at work at writing: she is 'Maths Mistress in the Brighton House High School', where she came five years previously to fill a gap, and stayed. Lives with one of her colleagues, who is a friend of hers. Has applied for most of the jobs that have become vacant in the 'Company's Schools', but has had no success so far. Undertakes to send Nora a copy of the [Story of] Arithmetic when it comes out. States that Mr [ ] 'is thinking of bringing out some County Readers', and, if so, she [Cunnington] may do Sussex; has asked George Allen to let her annotate Ruskin's Queen of the Air, 'in a way similar to the Emerson [Emerson's essay on beauty. A class study in English composition]', but has had no final decision yet.

Cunnington, Susan (1856-1950) mathematician, writer, and educationist
Add. MS a/202/103 · Item · 8 Dec. 1845
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

7 Camden St. & Town - The Astronomical Society is 'under a conviction of weakness, which may prove its strength', their efficient Assistant Secretary [Richard] Harris has been ill. All the observatories are working so hard that the Society hardly gets any papers from them: 'It is a fact, that as astronomy becomes more active the supply of communications sensibly declines'.

Letter from John Herschel
Add. MS a/207/103 · Item · 10 Apr. 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Collingwood - JH thanks WW for his remarks on his translation of book one of Homer's 'Iliad': 'I have adopted your suggestions all but one or two'. He has also begun the second book , but has not got far as he is constructing a 'general index catalogue of nebulae' with the aid of George Airy. JH's son Alexander Herschel is a candidate for the Professorship of Natural Philosophy at the Andersonian University of Glasgow: 'If in addition [to signing his certificate] you should think that he would be likely to make a good professor and in that case would express that opinion to the Secretary W. would be a great help to him'.

SMIJ/1/103 · Item · 7 July 1946
Part of Papers of James Smith

Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, near Bath.—Expresses sympathy at the way he has been treated. Is glad he is in touch with Father Bonnar. Invites him to visit when he is free from examining. Defends aspects of [C. S.] Lewis’s Hamlet paper. Dom Sebastian [Moore?], who is reviewing Preston’s book [on the Four Quartets] for the [Downside] Review, remains convinced of Eliot’s greatness and would like to discuss him with Smith. Hay, he finds, is an amateur historian, ‘but generally considered sound by responsible Catholics’. Recommends, for the other side of the secular priests’ case, Leo Hicks’ review of Hughes’s book in The Month. Cannot find the ‘Persons-Raleigh’ reference, but can ask Hicks if it is urgent.

TRER/22/103 · Item · 18 Dec 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

73 Longton Avenue, Sydenham, SE26. - Has been trying to let Trevelyan know ever since [this year's "From the Shiffolds", with his translation of the Homeric Hymn to] "Demeter" came 'with what pleasure' she and Ernest read and will re-read it; so kind of him to share his poetry with them, which comes as 'such a rest & refreshment'. Reads one poem of his particularly when the '"fret & fever of the world" seems to be almost unbearable'. Often thinks about how the 'miseries of the world' come on the wireless and in the daily papers, so 'accumulate rapidly': much of it would otherwise 'never reach one... at all' or 'come so late that there was the comforting feeling' it was all over. Hope Trevelyan enjoyed 'this wonderful summer & late autumn'.

TRER/3/103 · Item · 25 Sept 1909 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked Salisbury. - Thanks about Jane (brief diversion to quote rhyme with which Forster's father teased his nurse, and her response): knows the L.L. book and Grey, but is grateful for the other. Asks if Trevelyan if he knows a 'young or cheerful Italian man' who could give him lessons. Thanks for the news, which he had not heard [no further details].

FRAZ/26/103 · Item · [1934?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Typescript draft of a French translation of Part IV, chapter III of 'Folk-lore in the Old Testament', corrected in Émile Audra's hand, lacking the first page, with page numbers matching the page numbers in Vol. III of that volume published in English in 1918. This chapter does not appear in the abridgement or the French translation of the abridgement, and the translator is not identified. The title is taken from the folder it is housed in, which also carries two later ballpoint pen notes, 'incorrect? A.J.S.' [with an arrow pointing to the title] and 'translations of F into Frazer [recte French?], by ?'

TRER/14/103 · Item · 24 Aug 1920
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity College, Cambridge. - Thanks Bob for "[Translations from] Lucretius", which he has now read most of; the excellent impression he gained of it when Bob gave him a 'taste of it up at the Lake Hunt' is quite confirmed. Lucretius was 'a wonderful old bird' and "est, ut ante, carus" ['is, as before', dear: a pun on his name].

TRER/10/103 · Item · 24 Dec 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Sorry that the journey to Rounton was 'so agitating'. Mary has written to say the wedding went well; Elizabeth's account is amusing. Expects she misses Julian, but they are glad to have him for a little longer at Wallington; he has been playing with his toys then was happy for Hearne [the butler] to carry him upstairs. Hopes Elizabeth and Robert have a good Christmas Day; asks to be remembered to the Enticknaps; hopes Gussie got home safely. Will be nice if Elizabeth comes to fetch Julian on Thursday. Sir George says there is a good review of Mrs [Janet] Ross in the "Nation"; she hopes Robert will lend her the book ["Lives of the early Medici as told in their correspondence"]

TRER/18/103 · Item · 1 Sept 1945
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Fourways, Gomshall, Surrey. - Thanks Bob for writing with his and Bessie's congratulations and good wishes [on being appointed Secretary of State for India and Burma. A 'Cabinet Minister's job may be defined as follows:- to reconcile the irreconcilable, to solve the insoluble & generally to achieve the impossible' but the 'attempt is exhilarating'.

TRER/12/103 · Item · 21 Nov 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Much obliged for the 'Bird book' ["The Bird in Song", edited by Robert Sickert"], which is a 'delightful collection'; has read Robert's poem ["The Lady's Bat"] with 'very great' pleasure, as well as the piece of Courthope's ["The Paradise of Birds"], Logan's "Cuckoo". Feels that 'Keats's unrhymed sonnet' is an omission; agrees that the letter to [John Hamilton] Reynolds is a 'charming effusion"; brief discussion of Keats. They have [E. V. Lucas and C. L. Graves's] "Signs of the Times" and have read it aloud; it is 'capital fun'. Likes to think of Bessie's sister being with her, and that Caroline is coming to visit. His recent work on the last two chapters of his book ["The American Revolution"] has been 'like beginning a new book', but he has 'got into it now'.

Letter from Henry Holland
Add. MS a/206/103 · Item · 6 July [1841]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

2 Brook Street - Congratulates WW on his forthcoming marriage to Cordelia Marshall. He has read WW's paper on the weight of matter ['Demonstration that All Matter is Heavy', 1841] - 'with great satisfaction you enunciate most distinctly in the last two pages the true doctrine (or that which I apprehended as such) regarding fundamental ideas; and the fit separation of this term, from the equivocal one of innate ideas. There are are some phrases in these pages which better perhaps elucidate your views than any in the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, though the great influence from both must be the same'.