English translations of letters dated 1 Mar. [1831?], 4 Aug. 1831, 22 Oct. 1831, 21 Nov. 1833, and 4 Jul. 1835.
12 Cork St., B[urlington] G[ardens]. - Thanks for Wortley's £2; not sure of current balance as Salomons is away; probable costs of granite monument to Hood with a bronze bust by Campbell; favours very simple inscription. Should not get involved with publication of Hood's verse; Moxon will get someone like Dickens to ensure sales. Pleased by Houghton's appreciation of George Sand and the 'humanitaires' but the Fourierists are superior in their ability to organise labour; Milnes would see this if he could conquer his aversion to Fourier's neologisms and read attentively. 'Suppose you stood naked on Kennington Common, on a frosty day, which would you prefer - A humanitaire contemplating you with moistened heavenward eyes & folded arms... A Lord Ashley, who would put you on one glove towards clothing you... Or a Fourierist who would furnish you with a complete suit, and supply its proper warmth to every shivering nerve?' - only the last can solve problems as diverse as the destiny of Constantinople and the economy of a poultry yard; breadth of vision. If visiting Paris Milnes must meet Daly and Pelletan, 'a cher ami once I fancy of G. Sand'.
From unidentified paper.
Lisbon. - Her husband died on March 19th and has bequeathed a corrected copy of his Iberia Won to Milnes; shall it be posted, or kept until she is well enough to return to England?
17 Great Queen Street, Westminster. - Asks if Milnes has seen Woolner's fine bust of Tennyson, which was exhibited at Dickenson's in Bond Street and is now in Manchester; proposed presentation of bust to Trinity Library; Woolner will not part with original but can supply a copy for £100. Tom Taylor suggests subscribing for an extra copy for Tennyson himself. Invites Milnes to join Committee and encourages others to do so. Does not know Tennyson personally; subscription list 'ought to be wider than his intimate personal friends and narrower than his idolators'.
6 Hanover Square. - Sends part of forthcoming work on criticism [no longer present] in support of application for the Chair of Rhetoric and Literature at Edinburgh University; seeks Houghton's influence with Gladstone and Sir George Grey; Dr. [William?] Hanna a formidable opponent for the chair; only four and a half months residence required.
(Bibliog. 5).
19pp. typescript draft (incomplete), with ms. corrections; 4pp. typescript draft.
In French.
Autograph ms., pages numbered 3-41, with a note by G.K. Batchelor, 'Found in G.I's garage in a water-stained folder, July 1976'.
Although the pagination begins p.3, the paper begins `Some months ago Sir J.J. Thomson suggested to me to try and find some explanation of the action of crystal rectifiers, and the experiments described in this paper are the results of this suggestion'. It seems therefore that the missing pages 1 and 2 did not include the substance of the paper.
Also included is correspondence re the paper between G.K. Batchelor and A.B. Pippard, 1976.
Travellers Club. - Concerning alleged bridge of etiquette over a hat belonging to Lord George Loftus.