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Milan, Italy (1987)
EPST/D/19/105 · File · 11 Nov. 1986–6 June 1988
Part of Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

International Symposium on Herpes and Papilloma Viruses – Their Role in Carcinogenesis of the Human Genital Tract – II, 26–27 March 1987, Milan, Italy

HOUG/37/105 · Item · 21 May [1845??]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

26 Pall Mall. - Encloses note (no longer present) from 'the old [parson?] who was nearly killed geologising with you', for a reply. Postscript: Professor Foggi has arrived from Pisa, and has been given honorary membership of the Athenaeum; would the Association at Cambridge send him an invitation, he is ver charming and speaks English.
Note from Murchison to [?] Austin, endorsing Milnes's request.

Letter from George Airy
Add. MS a/200/105 · Item · 27 Feb. 1854
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Flamsteed House, Greenwich - GA has looked at the letter to the Vice-Chancellor and entirely approves of it: 'The unlimited tenure of Fellowships I think to be most important. There is only one thing which at present is doubtful to me, and that is the continuation of Sizarship gratuities after the election as scholars, middle of page 2. I think that the foundation of the independence of the future Fellows is to be found in the position of the scholars, at that proud table (the only one in Hall) where all are equal and no stranger is ever seen. I would carefully abstain from sowing the seed of division there'. GA thanks WW for his Plurality [Of the Plurality of Worlds: An Essay, 3rd edn., 1854]: 'I think it is right. Specially I agree with the leading idea that we have no right to assume or presume that all matter was necessarily meant to be inhabited or as we say useful, but that we must take things as we find them: and I am glad that you have had the boldness to say so'.

Rehder - Riley
FRSH/F/105 · File · c 1946–1979
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Rehder, M-L. 1967

Reines, F. 1962. Frisch's carbon only.

Richards, H.T. 1950

Ridley, B. 1955, 1976

Rieser, L.M. 1946, 1979

Riley, K.F. n.d.

Letter from Keith Baxter
SHAF/B/11/1/105 · Item · 18 Oct. 1983
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Went to see 'Amadeus' in Chichester, as Paul [Scofield] had finished at the National before his return to England; admires the production, directing by Paul Giovanni and acting by Keith Michell.

PETH/7/105 · Item · 16 July 1901
Part of Pethick-Lawrence Papers

(Place of writing not indicated.)—Praises his work at The Echo* and refers to various items in the press. Has finished the Board Schools today, and is just off to see Miss Montagu.

(Dated Tuesday.)



Tuesday afternoon.

Thank you for your letters dearest[—]am interested in your measures at the Echo—& am quite sure that you have done the right thing—have infinite confidence in the Jew-man Freddy.

Did you see Ouïda’s letter about Olive Schreiner in the D.N this morning? {1}—Is that the truth do you know?—Did you read what the coster said yesterday in the police court—when asked if he had anything to say in answer to the policeman’s evidence (charge of obstructing traffic) “Taint no use, not a bit—He uses the truth so careless.” Rather sweet nicht wahr? & very applicable to affairs in general in these days. The Education question seems to have got a few days reprieve.

Have done the Board Schools today—& am just off to see Miss Montague who has telegraphed for an interview.

It wants Its Freddy a bit—got a headache principally in the backbone: would like the feel of Its Freddy’s big broad shoulder to night—but will take it “by faith”[.] Meantime loves Its Freddy more than a Bit.. This It


{1} On 16 July 1901 a long letter by the novelist Ouida appeared in the Daily News protesting against Olive Schreiner’s treatment by the British in South Africa.