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O./13.1/No. 2 · Part · 14 Nov. 1890
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O


Belton. | Gt Yarmouth.
14 Novr 1890.

My dear Wright,

I have heard from Mrs Jacobson who is very glad that her Fathers correspondence should rest within your Walls, & will willingly present it to the College.

The collection is at my home, here, I will have it properly packed & seen to, but as I have to be away next week for a few days on business it will have to wait for my return—But I will attend to it as soon as I can, & I will write you word again before it is sent off to Cambridge.

Yours very truly
R H Inglis Palgrave

O./13.19/No. 19a · Part · c. 1820
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

(The title is ‘Rapport fait à la Commission D’histoire naturelle de l[’]académie de Caen, sur le Crocodile fossile que l’on a trouvé dans les Carrières du Bourg d’Allemagne; à ¼ de lieue de Caen’. The document does not appear to be in Lamouroux’s own hand. )