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Crewe MS/20/f. 76r · Part · 9 Dec. 1709
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

Two inscriptions on one slip, (i) on the recto, (ii) on the verso. (i) ‘Μέλλουσα μένουσα.’ (Hebrews, xiii. 14. Cf. ADB.) Dated at Leipzig. Addressed to (Elias) Silberrad. Numbered 113. (ii) ‘Spes confisa Deo nunquam confusa recedit.’ Dated at Leipzig, ‘finito Jubilaeo Academico’. Addressed to (Elias) Silberrad.

Print of Fanny Davies(?)
Crewe MS/45/f. 75v · Part · 18th c.
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

No caption. The illustration depicts a finely-dressed woman, possibly Fanny Davies, standing in a room. A man, who is apparently just coming in the door, has an arm around her waist, and there are five other women in the background.

Inscription by Andreas Jeger
Crewe MS/20/f. 74r · Part · 27 May (1601?)
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘In hoc Unusquisque nostrum | Viret ut arescat | Adolescit ut senescat | Ascendit ut descendat | Vivit ut moriatur.’ (‘Guido Bituricensis’ (Guy de Fontenay?).) The year has been struck through.

Crewe MS/24B/f. 73 · Part · early 19th c.
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

(Subscribed ‘[…] and Truth’ (most of the first word is missing). There are four illustrations, captioned respectively ‘Adam in Eden’, ‘The Deluge’, ‘The Nativity’, and ‘The Last Judgment’, around a larger illustration of two women either side of a sun breaking through the clouds, one of the women holding a cross and a cup, the other a bible.)

Crewe MS/20/f. 72r · Part · 6 Dec. 1632
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Tempori cedere et Necessitati parere | Semper Sapientis est habitum.’ Six lines, beginning ‘La Vertu Reyne des Mortels’. ‘Symb. Iuvat amare Deum.’ Dated at Strasbourg. Addressed to Joanni Philippo Friderici (dative), presumably Johann Philipp Friedrich.