Two inscriptions, (i) on the recto, (ii) on the verso. (i) ‘Ὄλα δοκιμάζετε καὶ κρατεῖτε τὸ καλὸν. (1 Thess. v. 21.) Dated at Leiden. Numbered 233. (ii) ‘Infirmi corpore, valente Domino.’ Dated at Franeker.
Probably sent with the extract on the same page.
Probably sent with the letter on the same page.
‘Fac ea quae moriens facta fuisse velis.’ Dated at Strasbourg. The last digit of the year is indistinct.
(Signed ‘Cleora’. The salutation is ‘my Dearest Roselinda’. Marked ‘No. 9’.)
Engraved by David Loggan.
‘Extra Deum nulla felicitas, | Deo adheareat, qui felix esse cupit.’ Dated at Jena.
(This is apparently the conclusion of a letter containing messages to one or more other people.)
(Engraving published 2 July 1815.)
In verse. First line: ‘Conceal’d from Care beneath this Marble lyes’.
Printed in John Hackett’s Select and Remarkable Epitaphs (1757), ii. 50.
Caen.—Sends an account of events at Basly (f. 7).
(Dated 5 Germinal, an 4. Letter-head of the Commissaire du Directoire Exécutif, près l’Administration Départementale du Calvados.)
Asks her to tell Captain Hibbert that he hopes to come and find them at home; would have given him 'great pleasure to come on Sunday Evening' but he has to 'close the Mission at the Augustinian Church that night'. If he can get away in time, he will happily call on them on his way home.
(Place of writing not indicated.)—The writer has portraits of Miss Berry and her sister (perhaps those on f. 6r). Discusses the administration of Miss Berry’s papers.
Dear Mr Milnes
You asked me about early pictures of Miss Berry. I forgot, that I possess a portrait both of her and Miss Agnes
I shewed them to Miss B. (they were bought by my Father or Brother) at a Sale 30 Years ago {1}, she said that either Lord Orford or somebody left them with the Artist after they were finished not liking them but I forgot the Artists Name
if you call you may see them without going up stairs
I hear Mr Greville {2} has something to do with the papers as well as that old Ninny Sir F. Lewis {3} | Lady Scott | Lady Stuart | and Myself
The Persons who have perhaps the best right to an Opinion think the best thing would be to burn Journal and Letters it is very odd I think that no one has spoken to me on the Subject who is in possession of the M.S. I mean.
Old Lewis would like the job of publication after having amused {4} who ever chose to see private Letters to and from living people. I say to as Miss B. kept brouillons of her letters.
{1} The closing bracket probably belongs here rather than after ‘Brother’.
{2} Charles Greville, to whom Miss Berry once expressed an intention of leaving her papers. See Extracts, vol. i, pp. ix–x.
{3} Sir Thomas Frankland Lewis, to whom Miss Berry bequeathed her papers. See Extracts, vol. i, p. ix. He died in 1855.
{4} Reading uncertain.
Probably a commercially-produced print. Captioned below by hand, ‘South Side IV. | The Anglo-Saxon Church.’
Of a similar date to the photograph on f. 2r.
Probably a commercially-produced print. Captioned below by hand, ‘North Side III. | The Western Church.’
Of a similar date to the photograph on f. 2r.
(The seal is wanting.)
Nouerint vniuersi per presentes me Iohannem Freshwater de Heybridge in Comitatu Essex’ generosum teneri et firmiter obligari venerabili viro Edvardo Stillingfleet sacrae Theologiae Professori Decano Ecclesiae Cathedralis sancti Pauli London’ et eiusdem Ecclesiae Capitulo in Ducentis libris bone et legalis monete Angliae solvendis eisdem Decano et Capitulo aut eorum certo Attornato Successoribus vel assignatis suis, Ad quam quidem solucionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligo me heredes executores et administratores meos firmiter per presentes Sigillo meo sigillatas Dat’ Vicesimo die Februarij Anno regni Domini nostri Iacobi secundi dei gratia Angliae etc’ primo Annoque Domini 1684
Sigillat’ et deliberat’ in presencia | Js: Harrison | Cha: Jaques | John Freshwater
[Endorsed:] The condicion of this obligacion is such that if the within bounden Iohn Freshwater his executours administratours and assignes doe and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter for his and their parts well and truly pay obserue performe fulfill and keepe all and every the rents payments covenants condicions and agreements mencioned and conteyned in one paire of Indentures bearing date the day and yeare within written made between the within named Deane and Chapter of the one part and the said Iohn Freshwater of the other part, in all things according to the purport and true meaning of the said Indentures, then this obligacion to be voyd or els to remain and be in full force and vertue./
[Seal wanting.]
The abbreviations have been expanded.
‘Fides vera vult a Deo iustificari, sanctificari et gubernari.’ (Apology of the Augsburg Confession.) Motto: ‘Per Aspera.’ (Cf. Keil, p. 193.) Dated at Halle. Numbered 217.
A riddle, in prose.