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Crewe MS/20/f. 150r · Part · 13 May 1670
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Non semper æstas erit; facite nidos!’ ‘Symb: Non est mortale quod opto, æterna de-sidero! | Hic vanitas, illic æternitas.’ ‘Quantò amarior Mundus, tantò dulcior JESUS. | Je bittrer Erd’ und Erdenlist, | Je süsser mihr mein JESUS ist!’ (2 Corinthians, vi. 10.) Dated at Giessen. Addressed to Balthasar Friedrich Saltzmann.

Crewe MS/31/f. 15 · Part · 17 Feb. 1796
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

Caen.—A Chouan has attempted to obtain money from a judge in return for securing peace at Courson. Encloses ff. 16 and 17.

(Dated 28 Pluviôse, an 4. Letter-head of the Commissaire du Directoire Exécutif, près l’Administration Départementale du Calvados.)

Crewe MS/21/f. 15 · Part · 14 Nov. 1748
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

It is agreed that C shall print an edition of 1500 copies of A’s ‘Theological Lectures at Westminster Abbey’ in the form directed by A, and shall pay him two-thirds of the profits from it, after charges of paper, print, etc., have been deducted, the remaining third to be allowed to C. The copyright in this and future editions of the book shall re-main in A.

Crewe MS/11/f. 15 · Part · 19 Jan. 1798
Part of Crewe Manuscripts


Paris 20 Nivose an 6e

Le C. Perregaux Banquier
au Ministre des finances

Citoyen Ministre,

Le C. Gobin Notaire qui se presentera à Vous avec cette Lettre est Chargé de souscrire en Son Nom pour les Cinquante actions que je vous ai annoncé par ma lettre due 21 Nivose que je pre-nois pour ma maison dans le Nouvel Emprunt et qu’elle aura Soin de payer aux termes Indiqués par la loi.

Veuillez Citoyen Ministre me mander que Cet arrangement vous a Convenu.

Je vous presente lhomage demon respect

J F Perregaux


Only the valediction and the signature are in Perregaux’s hand.

Three pieces on one sheet
Crewe MS/10/f. 14r · Part
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

(i) Verses addressed to George Cheyne, by John Wynter.
Headed ‘Dr Winter to Dr Cheney.’ First line: ‘Tell me from whom fat headed Scot’.

(ii) A reply to the above, by George Cheyne.
Headed ‘Dr Cheney’s answer.’ First line: ‘My System Doctor’s all my own’.

(iii) ‘A List of the Right Honourable The Earl of Kinneul’s Retinue received on board his Majesty’s Ship the Torrington | October the 30th 1729’ (author unknown).
In prose.

Crewe MS/20/f. 14r · Part · 3 Apr. 1709
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Ούκ ἐν λογῳ άλλ’ ἐν δυνάμει ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ Θεῦ.’ (1 Corinthians, iv. 20.) ‘Was nützt ein leerer Baum der ohne Frucht und Safft? | Und was ist Gottes Reich in Worten ohne Krafft?’ Dated at Giessen. Numbered 101.

Crewe MS/20/f. 149r · Part · 7 Oct. 1628
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Aut solo totoque Christo fruendum aut toto carendum.’ Probably written at Basel. The writer’s title is ‘D[octor] Eccl[esi]æ Basil[ianæ] Pastor ibidemque SS. Th[eologiæ] Professor’.

Crewe MS/24B/f. 148 · Part · c. 1800
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

(Engraved from a drawing by Metz. The name of the engraver is indistinct. The illustration is captioned ‘Divine History, attended by Moses (who points to Glory & Salvation), supported by the Emblems of the Four Evangelists, & guided by Truth. In the back Ground is the destruction of Idolatry; also the Nativity, Baptism, & Crucifixion of Christ.’)