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Crewe MS/20/f. 123r · Part · 29 June 1711
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Semita certè, tranquillæ per virtutem patet unica vitæ.’ (Juvenal, Satires, x. 363–4.) Dated at Berlin. Numbered 125.

Inscription by Andreas Rhost
Crewe MS/20/f. 120r · Part · 10 Mar. 1646
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

‘Nihil homini Amico est oportuno [sic] amicius.’ (Plautus.) Six lines, beginning ‘Dieß bruder was Ich dier hier Freundlich im geschrieben’(?). ‘Symb. | Altissimus Refugium Meum. | A[…] Jesu Christ | Dennoch du Meine Zuflucht bist.’ Dated at Strasbourg.

Crewe MS/11/f. 12 · Part · 26 Apr. 1798
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

(Dated at Paris. Signed by Fulchiron as président.)



Les Commissaires particuliers de l’emprunt contre l’angleterre
Au Citoyen Ministre de finances

Citoyen Ministre

Nous avons l’honneur de vous prevenir que nous Sommes Sans réponse à diverses lettres que nous avons eu l’honneur de vous écrire, notamment à celle par laquelles nous vous Soumettions nôtre plan d’organisation, le mode que nous avions établi pour recevoir des postes, le plan de verser à la Caisse d’escompte le produit de l’emprunt, d’en faire valoir les fonds au proffet de la chose. la nécessité que le tresor recut le sols des {1} Postes ne pouvant rien faire jusqu’à ceque nous ayons vôtre autorisation. nous avons suspendu nos Séances, jusqu’à ceque nous connoissions vos intention.

Nous sommes avec respect
Citoyen Ministre

paris 7 floréal 6

[Superscription:] Cabinet du Ministre. | Au Citoyen | Ministre de finances | Paris


{1} ‘recut le sols des’: probable reading.

Crewe MS/21/f. 12 · Part · 11 Mar. 1723
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

A having made some progress in translating the Memoires of the Cardinal de Retz, and B having purchased a complete translation of the same from another hand, B obliges himself to deliver to A fifty copies of the said translation in quires as soon as it is printed, in consideration whereof A agrees not to publish a translation of the same work and will pay for twenty-five of the books he receives ‘after the rate of paper and print’.

Crewe MS/10/f. 11r · Part
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

Motto: ‘Intermissæ Venus diu | Rursus Bella Moves. | Hor: ad Venerem | Od: 1ma. Lib: 4’. First line: ‘My little Lodge! tease me no more’. The anonymous author describes himself as being fifty-five years of age. References to Lord and Lady Hervey and to Fanny Feilding suggest that the lines were composed between 1723 and 1729.



Intermissæ Venus diu
Rursus {1} Bella moves.—

Hor: ad Venerem
Od: 1ma. Lib: 4

Edgecombe | to Mother Lodge {2}

My little Lodge! tease me no more
With promise of the finest Whore
That Condom e’re was stuck in:
Give Younger Men the Beauteous dame
Alas I’m past the amourous Flame
And must have done with F—ing

I’m not that Hero once you knew
When I the Tygress did Subdue
By Noble Feats of Vigor;
Why shou’d I now pretend to swive {3}
Mother, you know at fifty five
A Man can only Fr–g Her

Go to Sr. Paul that vigorous Knight
Equal in F—ing or in Fight;
Ready for each Encounter;
He can a Lady’s Cause defend
In Senates, when she needs a Friend,
Or he in Bed can mount her

He says an hundred tender things,
Is Generous, & gives Ruby Rings,
In Prowess never wanting:
To Opera’s He’ll take the Jades,
And F–ck them too—at Masquerades
Three times without disc–nting.

But Lodge, Cold Customers like me
Entirely lost to Gallantry,
I fear wou’d quickly Starve You;
I value not who’ere I toast,
Nor care a Rush which pleases most
Or Lord or Ly. Her—y

And yet what means my faultring Tongue,
Again I sigh, again am Young,
In dreams I found her yeilding:
Oh! were she so, in day time too,
Still cou’d I dangle still pursue,
My Charming Fanny Feilding {4}.


{1} MS ‘Russus’, with ‘r’ added above the first ‘s’.

{2} Sally Lodge, a brothel-keeper, known as Mother Lodge. See A Genuine Epistle … to the late famous Mother Lodge (1735).

{3} MS ‘swire’, with ‘r’ underlined and ‘? v.’ in the margin.

{4} Probably Lady Fanny Feilding, daughter of the 4th Earl of Denbigh, who was said to have been ‘distinguished for her beauty and amiable manners’. She married Daniel, 8th Earl of Winchilsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham, in 1729 and died in 1734. See The Works of the English Poets, ed. A. Chalmers (1810), xvii. 589.

R./1.1/f. 11r · Part · 15 June 1814
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

(A printed form, filled up by hand.)



[In the margin:] Brydges against Wilson

Let the Plaintiffs Attorney or Agent attend me in my Chambers in Serjeants Inn tomorrow at 6— of the Clock in the Evening to shew Cause why he should not deliver to the Defendants Attorney the Particulars in Writing of the Plaintiffs Demand for which this Action is brought and why all Proceedings should not be in the mean Time stayed Dated the 15th day of June 1814


[In the margin:] Foulkes

[Endorsed:] Brydges v Wilson Summons for Particulars | Received as dated WHB


Abbreviations have been expanded silently.