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O./10a.45/f. 11r · Part · 7 Oct. 1896
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O


Grove Lodge | Cambridge
7 Oct. 1896

Dear Sir,

I wish to thank you very sincerely for your kind and welcome letter of sympathy {1}.

I hope you are having fair health and enjoying your leisure.

Yours faithfully
A. P. Humphrey

Mr H. Coggin


Black-edged paper.

{1} The writer's father, Sir G. M. Humphry, had died at his home, Grove Lodge, on 24 September.

Crewe MS/21/f. 11 · Part · 22 Apr. 1713
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

A, as one of the representatives of Anne Moseley, daughter of Humphrey Moseley, late citizen and stationer of London, has an interest in the copyrights of ‘Priamus and Thisbe’, ‘Spencers Shepherds Calendar’, and other works, as recorded in the register of the Stationers’ Company and a transcript thereof; and also (formerly) claimed an interest in the copyright of ‘Cowleys Poems, Donns Poems, Davenants Works, Crashaws Poems, Carews Poems Ben Johnsons Works, 3d Vol, Pastor Fido, Sucklings Poems Denhams Poems Wallers Poems & Miltons Poems in Latin & English, with many others’, which all belong to B and C or one of them. For the consideration of £10 A assigns to C his interest in the copyrights of the books in the first group, and releases to B and C his claim to the copyrights of the books in the second group. Witnessed by Robert Knaplock, John Baker, and Marmaduke Horsley. (The witnesses to the receipt are the same.) Signed by ‘Dorman Newman Junior’.

Crewe MS/31/f. 11 · Part · 20 Apr. 1796
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

Caen.—Sends an account of the capture of Commodore Sidney Smith (f. 12).

(Dated 1 Floréal, an 4. Letter-head of the Commissaire du Directoire Exécutif, près l’Administration Départementale du Calvados. Marked in two different hands ‘Raport à communiquer’ and ‘Communiqué au Chef de l’état Major le 2 Floreal.’)

Add. MS a/718/f. 10v · Part · 10 Apr. 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

2 North Parade, Bath. - Thanks King for the examination paper. The ball on Easter Monday was 'a crowded affair, 884, the supper good but the music bad'. Went to Keynsham yesterday to see the ruins of the old Abbey; description of site and meeting with owner of the land.