(The photographs are placed side-by-side to form a single panoramic image.)
Five four-line stanzas. First line: ‘His Holiness has three great Friends’.
First line of ‘The Argument’ (6 lines): ‘Nan & Frank, two quondam Friends’. First line of the main poem, headed ‘Canto’: ‘Of Civil Dudgeon many a Bard’.
First line: ‘As I a walking was the other Day’. Subscribed: ‘1679.’
First line: ‘I’ve heard the Muses were still soft and kind’. Subscribed: ‘1678.’
First line: ‘Here’s a House to be let’. Subscribed: ‘1678.’
First line: ‘Tunbridge, which once has been the Seat’.
First line: ‘Reform, great Queen, the Errors of your Youth’. Subscribed: ‘1678.’
First line: ‘Preserv’d by Wonder in the Oak, o Charles’. Subscribed: ‘Lacy. 1677.’
First line: ‘Wretch whosoere thou art that long’st for Praise’.
First line: ‘Thou Common Shore of this Poetic Town,’ Subscribed: ‘John Dryden 1677’.
Heading continues ‘To the Tune of, She got Mony By’t etc.’ First line: ‘If devout Paulet Mary’.
First line: ‘From the dark Stigian Lake, I come’.
Prose. Headed: ‘My Lord Shaftbury’s Speech in the House of Lords, March 24th. 1678/9’ (the day of the month is wrong). First words: ‘My Lords | Your appointing of the Consideration of the State of England’.)
Motto: ‘Quo liciat [sic] libris non licet ire mihi, | Turpiter huc illuc ingeniosus eo’ (an adaptation of Ovid, Amores, III. viii. 6, 8). First line: ‘Hear me, dull Prostitute, worse than a Wife’. The attribution to Dryden in the title is satirical.
First line: ‘While lazy Prelates lean’d their Mitred Heads’. The date in the heading is a mistake; Marvell died on 18 Aug. 1678.
Heading continues: ‘To the Tune of, Old Simon the King.’ First line: ‘This making of a Bastards great’.
First line: ‘What can be the Mistery, why Charing-Cross’.
First line: ‘Once how I doated on this Jilting town’.
First line: ‘Spread a large Canvas, Painter to Contain’. Subscribed: ‘Marvel 1674.’
Heading continues ‘To the Tune of Packington’s Pound.’ First line: ‘All ye that know Men, and for Virgin’s wou’d pass’.
First line: ‘Betwixt Father Patric and his Highness of Late’. Subscribed: ‘Rochester 1673.’
First line: ‘You Scriblers, that write still of Widows and Maids’.
First line: ‘Older and Wiser, has long a Proverb been’.
First line: ‘To you who hang like Mecha’s Tomb’.