Copies of five original letters dated 7 Jan. 1694/5, 14 Jan. 1694/5, 16 Feb. 1695/6, Quinquagesima 1695/6, 22 Mar. 1695/6.
Photograph of Margaret F. Ellis and one of her sisters in a pony trap [perhaps outside Cranborne Vicarage, Windsor], dated 1 Jul 1889, enclosed with letter 5, dated 23 Aug [1889?].
Four letters dated 1858-9, and one dated 10 October 1864.
Re article on Richard Monckton Milnes in The World.
Letters dated 27 Dec. 1907 - 17 May 1909. Accompanied by an obituary notice from The Times dated 16 Feb. 1920.
Part of the 'British Men of Science' series, and published by Nelson 1964. An account of J. J. Thomson and his work, by G.P. Thomson.
D/1: Preface; Chapter 1 and 2 (incomplete)
D/2: Chapter 6
D/3: Chapters 7, 8 and 9 (incomplete
D/4: Chapters 10, 11 and 12; Appendix (incomplete)
D/5: Lists of illustrations
Copies, corrected proofs and published text (with annotations). Includes minutes by Lord William Bentinck and George, Lord Auckland, as well as a draft letter by Thomas Babington Macaulay, 28 Mar. 1836, in reply to the Calcutta Memorial.
Letters dated 3 Mar. 1903 - 20 Mar. 1918.
Letters dated
28 Nov. 1912
29 Jan. 1913
22 Apr. 1913
11 Feb. 1914
8 Mar. 1914
25 Feb. 1916
30 Oct. 1916
Re International Relief Committee to Russia, also known as the ‘Nansen Mission’.
Concerning research on W. H. Thompson's ancestors.
Letters dated from 29 Jan. 1906 - 24 Jan. 1918. Accompanied by a printed circular, "The Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology. Appeal on Behalf of the Library" dated 5 Mar 1913, and a reprint of Sandys' letter to The Times about the British Museum, dated 1 Jan. 1918.