2 Park Street - Could Mr Bancroft, the newly arrived American Minister, attend the celebrations surrounding the tercentenary of the foundation of Trinity College?
Box 13, Department of English, University of Chicago.—Praises his book, and suggests arrangements for reviewing and promoting it in America. Thanks him for reading her manuscript on Spenser and Lipsius, and refers to her forthcoming article on the date of the Mutability cantos.
Box 13
The University of Chicago, Department of English
November 13. 1927
Dear Mr. McKerrow:
Your fine book, Introduction to Bibliography, came yesterday, and I am delighted with it. I have read it in part already, but lent it for a few days to Professor Tom Peete Cross, so that he could recommend it in a new manual on bibliographical method (a beginner’s book for first year graduate students) {1}. By the way, I think Professor Cross would be the best reviewer in America for your book and that it is the kind of book he would like to review. If your publishers have not already sent to Modern Philology a review copy, I would suggest designating Professor Cross as reviewer, & that the copy be sent to him directly. Professors Manly and Crane will help recommend to students, and so shall I. Modern Philology and Modern Language Notes seem to me the most important reviewing places to reach scholars & text editors in this country. Of course, if your publishers would insert paid advertisement†, the Publications of the Modern Language Association would be the best place, as it reaches more interested people than any other publication. I’m not a member of the American Bibliographical Association, and I don’t know how useful they would be in advertising foreign works; but their membership is much smaller than the M.L.A., anyway.
I have ordered several copies for Harper Library at the University of Chicago, and I think more will be ordered later. All the libraries ought to buy it. It would help to have it recommended by the American Library Association, which issues from Washington lists of books desirable for libraries to buy. I don’t know the details of how this is worked, but, if I hear, will drop you a note. You ought to get a good American sale to add to the English. It’s a fine book. I shall study it carefully and thoroughly, and it will help me greatly. Thank you for remembering me.
I received the manuscript on Spenser and Lipsius {2}, and thank you for your kindness in reading and criticising it. I am aware of the difficulty of proving that Lipsius’ Constancy was known to Englishmen before the edition printed in London in 1586. It was written in the 70’s, however. I shall pull in the horns of the argument and try to suggest no more than evidence warrants, and offer it to an American journal later. As to the date of the Mutability cantos, I am practically certain they were written 1579-80, and an article on that will appear in April Studies in Philology. {3}
I am sorry I wounded your feelings by calling you “Professor”. Our new President in a speech recently assured us that Professors are no longer branded as such by their poverty and eccentricity, etc., but that the best of them in a crowd could pass for merchants! So you see my hailing you as Professor isn’t quite so bad as it seemed.
The antics of Mayor Bill Thompson of Chicago keep us all amused. He is too funny to weep or fume over.
Thanking you cordially for the gift of your very attractive and useful book. I remain
Sincerely yours,
Evelyn May Albright
{1} Presumably a revised edition of his List of Books and Articles designed to serve as an Introduction to the Bibliography and Methods of English Literary History, first published in 1919.
{2} Presumably Albright’s article on ‘Spenser’s Mutability and Lipsius’s Constancy’, which was still ‘not yet published’ in 1929 (see Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol. xliv, no. 3 (Sept. 1929), p. 722), and seems never to have seen print. Albright may have submitted it to McKerrow for possible inclusion in the Review of English Studies.
{3} ‘Spenser’s Reasons for Rejecting the Cantos of Mutability’, Studies in Philology, vol. xxv, no. 2 (Apr. 1928), pp. 93-127.
10 Scrope Terrace (Cambridge).—Accepts an invitation, and cites a passage from the Persian poet Kháqání to illustrate the reference to a gourd in the book of Jonah.
10 Scrope Terrace
Oct. 29. 1884
My dear Aldis Wright,
Thank you for your kind invitation for next Saturday, which I shall have great pleasure in accepting.
I came on a passage in a poem of the Persian poet Kháqání (which I read while I was at Broadstairs in the vacation)—which may interest you as illustrating Jonah’s “gourd” qîqâyon {1}.
“If to spite the graceful planetree
The ricinus-shrub springs from the ground,
Those who are intelligently practical
Know the ricinus from the plane.
The one will extend its years of life to an hundred,
The other will not last more than three or four months.”
The Persian bîd-anjîr or “willow-fig” is explained in the Dictionaries as “the shrub Palma Christi”.
Yours sincerely
E. B. Cowell
{1} Cf. Jonah iv. 6-10. ‘qiqayon’ is the word used for the plant in the original Hebrew.
Re memorial to Thomas Hood.
Sent from Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.
Balgonie, Fifeshire. - £100 granted to David Booth came from Queen’s Bounty Fund; he has never received a pension; encloses his memorial; he lived in London until December last, about which time her son-in-law petitioned Sir Robert Peel for continuation of existing payment which he believed to be £50; money now exhausted; her husband ill and in danger of starving; will furnish any other details required by Milnes. Enclosed: printed memorial describing work of David Booth, seeking assistance with living expenses [1 f.].
Hadleigh, Suffolk. - Sent tale two years ago in the vain hope of 'benefitting pecuniarily'; Milnes' graciousness despite inability to assist; seeks presentation to Christ's Hospital for one of his sons; has three others and a wife to support on the slender salary of an uncongenial post; harassed by creditors; can Milnes assist? Begs to suggest 'thtat the unpublished struggles and privations of some persons are oft-times as worthy the consideration of the affluent Samaritan, as are the newspaper-paragraphed distresses of a less retiring class of importunates'.
Airlie Lodge. - Thanks for Monographs; hopes to talk over the happy days they recall.
Note of thanks to Milnes, containing quotations from his verses and Biblical chapter references as messages of hope.
Turks Islands. - Seeks recommendation for President Inglis' vacant office; personal service to this Colony has been publicly acknowledged. Rapid rise of Sir Charles MacCarthy, whose brother Felix is travelling to Europe to obtain promotion. Edward Everett's nomination as American Vice-President: 'He possesses almost too much ability for the office - for, strange to say, men of medium talents are preferred for the Executive chair in that great Republic'.
Manchester. - Houghton's offer to approach Sir Henry Storks about a position in the Control Department will be of great value; believes he has been bypassed owing to lack of influence; present post in the Pay Sub-Department was a temporary measure and never intended to exclude him from the Control Department.
90 Eaton Square. - Governor Mathew wrote in November that he understood Grattan wished to exchange his Consulate for another post; if so he suggested discussing the matter with Milnes.
45 Upper Baggot St, Dublin. - Milnes' friend and her son Jonathan Lovett Cameron; merits of such men; her son will not ask favours; his present situation and labours at West Lavington; will send a paper on opening of church there.
This became paper T.1421d for Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (Taylor's comments on the paper T.1421 by Cowley and Levy).
The paper has various diagrams, calculations and `doodles' by Taylor, probably made during committee meeting.
Tasner's address is given as Pest, with the instruction 'ask address at Casino'.