Invitation to a National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Company drinks reception to celebrate Peter Hall's 80th birthday at the National Theatre.
Sends promotional material showing goblets and bowls, with the note that the design can be to his preference or ideas.
Thanks for dinner.
§ 79. The EF-frame.
§ 80. Chirality of a double frame.
§ 81. The interchange operator.
§ 82. Duals.
§ 83. The CD-frame.
§ 84. Double-wave vectors.
§ 85. The 136-dimensional phase space.
§ 86. Uranoid and aether.
§ 87. The Riemann-Christoffel tensor.
§ 88. The de Sitter universe.
§ 89. The tensor identities.
§ 90. The contracted Riemann-Christoffel tensor.
§ 91. States and interstates.
§ 92. The recalcitrant terms.
§ 12. Object-fields.
§ 13. The rigid field convention.
§ 14. Separation of particle and field energy.
§ 15. Application to scale-free systems.
§ 16. Standard carriers.
§ 17. Mass-ratio of the proton and electron.
§ 18. The fine-structure constant.
§ 19. Rigid coordinates.
§ 20. Unsteady states.
§ 21. The inversion of energy.
(Drafted Dec. 1942; revised Aug. 1943.)
Enjoyed his 'Desert Island Discs' episode; is sorry to hear of the unsatisfactory call to the Prudential; Merry Christmas.
(Carbon copy.)
[Trinity Lodge]. 30th anniversary of the death of H M Butler's mother
58 Montagu Square, London, W.—His health did not suffer by the journey. He got to the ‘diagram man’ just in time to prevent him spoiling them. The experiment will not ‘come off’, but he will repeat the lecture elsewhere in order to do it. ‘Miladi’ (Lady Pollock) has written to her.
(Dated Thursday. The reference to ‘Miladi’ (Lady Pollock) suggests that the letter was written after 23 August 1870, when her husband succeeded to the baronetcy. A reference to Cambridge suggests a date before September 1871, when Clifford moved to London.)
59 Montagu Square, London, W. {1}
Dearest Mama
I am very much better and did not take any cold on the journey. Mitchell was a great brick and took all possible care of me, and I kept wrapped up all the way. Walter met me on the station and carried me off in a cab. I have been lying down a good deal, and only appeared for a short time last night. This morning I breakfasted in bed, but got to the diagram man only just in time; for he is very stupid and would have spoilt all the diagrams {2} in another day. The experiment I am afraid won’t come off; but I can’t be beaten in that way, and shall repeat the lecture somewhere else on purpose to do it—perhaps make a Sunday lecture of it at Cambridge. This afternoon I have been consulting authorities at the Royal institution, and am rather tired; but now I shall take a long rest. Miladi says she wrote to you this morning but is not sure that Walter has not made a mistake about posting it. I have got some more poppy-heads. How are Edie’s throat and Kitty’s tooth and your indigestion? Now I must stop and have some tea, and send the letter to post; so good-bye.
Your most loving son.
Thursday afternoon.
Black-edged paper.
{1} The home of (William) Frederick Pollock.
{2} Probably diagrams for a lecture. As the next sentence indicates, the lecture had originally been intended to include an experiment.
(Place of writing not indicated.)—Has been working with Lockyer on molecules and talking metaphysics with Huxley. Refers to his (own) talk on ‘the right and wrong of admitting the results of the scientific method in certain ground which it has already occupied’.
Dear Fred—Very sorry I can’t come to be wound up on Wednesday but we are going to the play. I am so tired, having spent the day at work with Lockyer at a paper on molecules, and the evening in talking metaphysics with Huxley. I think we have got out satisfactorily that the force between 2 molecules cannot be entirely in the line joining their centres as everybody has hitherto supposed, and this suits admirably my guess that they are small magnets.
As to my sermon, {1} I suppose it may be called so because the tag {2} dealt with the right and wrong of admitting the results of the scientific method in certain ground which it has already occupied. Now this point, that it is right to use the scientific method even on this ground, and that it is wrong to resist the evidence because the results are unpleasing, is to me a point of infinitely more importance to get people to feel, than without that to make them gently believe any amount of unorthodox doctrine. A question of right and wrong knows neither time, place, nor expediency. I think we have made a mistake in our laissez faire. It is not an intellectual revolution that has to be accomplished. The opinion of cultivated people goes of itself at an enormous rate; but the control of the feelings of the masses is falling more and more into the hands of the medicine-man, and he is awake to his true vocation and preaches social sedition. I am afraid for my civilization if we do not make an effort to discredit him, and to get people to recognize what they have hitherto acted on, that the right is an affair of plain open dealing and not of ghosts and conjuring tricks. They can be talked out of that here and now as they have been before in other places; and the clergy of all denominations are doing their worst with no small success.
Thine ever
{1} Possibly 'Right and Wrong’ or ‘The Ethics of Belief’.
Clarendon Press, Oxford.—The gap in the proofs is due to the fact that the sorts needed for this section are not yet ready.
The Clarendon Press, Oxford
13 December 1926
Dear Sir,
You will notice in your proofs that there is a gap between slips 94A and 96B, this is due to the fact that the peculiar sorts needed for this section are not yet ready, and we did not want to delay proofs more than was necessary.
Yours faithfully,
E. A. Bowen
R. B. McKerrow Esq.
Typed, except signature and a correction. At the head is the reference ‘3249/EAB’.
Lund. - Thanks Duff for his letter of 2 Apr.; is grateful for the interest shown in his lecture. Discussion of the definition of the word 'fact', and of the 'concept of "performative utterances"'. The days he spent in Cambridge a year ago 'remain as one of the most pleasant memories of my life'. Sends Duff his 'little book on "The Problem of the Monetary Unit"'.
40 Mecklenburgh Sqr. W.C. Thanks him for his kind words about his edition of Sophocles for the Loeb Classical Library, find his hendecametric experiment a tour de force.
Explains that she heard from [James] Bryce that Nora would like to have part of Henry Sidgwick's correspondence with her father [Arthur John Patterson]. Reports that she has spoken to her mother, who will be happy for Nora to have the letter as soon as they get back to town, which will be in the early part of September.
Patterson, Charlotte Frances (b 1872) daughter of Arthur John Patterson(This proof, which is marked at the head, ‘Proof | Nov. 26’, contains Chapter 1 and the first page of Chapter 2. Book VII of this work was published in 1874.)
Includes 2 letters from the British Photographic Research Association (F.C. Toy), July 1924, re calibrated wedges.
a) Activities 10 April 1940 (first meeting) to 29 September 1941.
b) 18 September 1941-8 June 1942 (also mentions purchase of uranium, 9 December [1939?]).