Morphological, Biological, and Immunological Studies on Herpesvirus Saimiri - an Oncogenic Virus of Primates, authored by D.G. Morgan, DPhil (University of Bristol) at the Department of Pathology, University of Bristol, September 1975
Morgan, A.J., North, J.R., & Epstein, M.A. (1983). Purification and properties of the gp340 component of Epstein-Barr virus membrane antigen in an immunogenic form. Journal of General Virology, 64, 455–460.
Notebook entitled 'EM (Electron Micrograph) Specimen Preparation', including a page of notes from 18 February 1964 on the first discovery of the Epstein-Barr virus via a micrograph.
Lymphoblast cells (strains EB1, EB2, EB3, EB4, EB5, Raji) sent from the Department of Pathology, Bristol, to other laboratories for testing, control, and experiments. Includes the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Dr Klaus Hummeler and the Henle laboratory) dealing with identifying the virus found in the lymphoma cells and virus isolation
Three visits:
International Conference on Avian Tumour Viruses, 31 March–3 April 1964, Durham, North Carolina
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
Electron Microscopy in Experimental Pathology, 15 October 1964, Detroit, Michigan
Visits to institutes and organisations
With re-cast and re-assigned chapter headings.
This sub-series contains Sir Anthony's professional and formal correspondence from his career as a researcher and academic.
Kensington. Invites him to dinner
Sends copies of Edgeworth's Mathematical Psychics and his own memoir of Edgeworth for presentation to the Commercial University of Milan or the University of Cagliari. Edgeworth was impressed by an article by Sraffa which he wanted translated into English.
(Typed, except the date, the signature, and a few corrections, etc.)