City Chambers, Glasgow - Sends a remembrance of £40 as a token of Glasgow's esteem.
City Chambers, Glasgow - Sends a Christmas and New Year remembrance; 'the Old City is wearing well and maintaining its industrial dignity against all the attacks of aggression'.
City Chambers, Glasgow - Thanks her for the Downie biography; forwards a gift of £20.
Macfarlane Lang & Co Ltd, Glasgow - Enclosing a gift of £60 from The Lord Provost (Mr Dollan), Mr Paisley, Manager of the Trades' House Drapers Fund, and other Glasgow friends.
2 Cleveden Crescent, Glasgow, W.2. - Encloses a gift of £40 from himself and the Manager of the Drapers' Fund Sir William Marshall, with a promise from the Lord Provost of £30 more. Writes of one or two bombs dropped in the East End of Glasgow; his son Robert has arrived from London where the factory has been hit and damaged, and whose house was wrecked, notes his description of London is different from what they hear on the wireless.
Macfarlane Lang & Co Ltd, Glasgow - Understands the Lord Provost has sent the money he promised; sends a cheque for £10 from Charles Glen, late Deacon Convener of the Trades House.
City Chambers, Glasgow, C.2. - Is happy to know Sir James is better, and offers help should they need it.