
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
133 Manuscript of 'Some Problems in the Development of Capitalism', given to the Karl Marx Society, University of Oxford, with a letter. File Oct-Nov 1950
136 Manuscripts of lectures on classical economists, given at Cambridge and elsewhere, with correspondence File 1951, 1960s
137 Manuscript of 'Price and Output Policies of State Enterprises', given at the Ministry of Finance, Delhi File 3 Mar 1951
140 manuscript of 'Economic Strength of the USSR' File ?1952
143 Manuscript/typescript of 'Some Remarks on Production Trends in USSR' File c1952–53
148 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Present State of Welfare Economics', given to the Economics Society, University of Leeds File 19 Mar 1957
155 Manuscript of 'Capitalism and Trade Unionism: An Historical Perspective', given to an NUM Weekend School, with correspondence File Sep 1959
156 Manuscript of 'Capitalism - Has it Changed' File post Nov 1959
157 Manuscript of 'Soviet Industrialisation' File c1960–61
158 Manuscript of 'Growth under Capitalism and Socialism' File 1960
159 Manuscript of 'Crises' File c1960–62
161 Manuscript comment on a report of P Sylos Labini at a Symposium on the Experience and Problems of Development of Backward Regions, Naples File Sep 1960
169 Manuscript of a lecture on Marxism File c1962
177 Manuscript of 'Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries', given to the Tanzania Students' Association: File ?1962–63
182 Manuscript of 'Underdeveloped Countries' File c1964
185 Manuscript of 'Recent Discussions among Economists in Socialist Countries', given to the University of London Marxist Society File 28 Feb 1964
186 Manuscript and typescript of an address to the degree ceremony, Karolinum, Prague on the award of a Doctorate at the Charles University of Prague File 20 Mar 1964 View
188 Manuscript of 'Problems in Price Policy According to Recent Discussion in the Planned Economies of Eastern Europe', given to the Economic Society of Leicester University File 10 Dec 1964
190 Manuscript of 'Modern 'Western' Theories of Economic Growth', given to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with correspondence File March 1966
194 Manuscript and duplicated typescript of 'Recent Economic Problems and Changes in Socialist Countries', given to a conference at Marx House, with a notice of the conference File 10 Dec 1966
195 Manuscript of a speech of thanks on the publication of 'Socialism Capitalism and Economic Growth' File 1967
196 Manuscript and typescript of 'Economic Conditions and Economic Growth', given at the Marxistiche Blatter Conference, West Germany File 1967
211 Manuscript and typescript of 'Plan and Market in Socialist Economies', given at the University of Durham File 27 Feb 1969
213 Manuscripts and typescripts of 'Economic Planning - Centralisation and Decentralisation', two lectures given to the Freie University of Berlin File Apr 1969
216 Manuscripts and typescripts of 'Theories of Distribution from Ricardo to Sraffa', given at the University of Manchester, with correspondence letters File 22 Oct 1969
220 Manuscript of 'Economic Theory after Marx', given to the Cambridge University Socialist Society File 18 Jan 1970
221 Manuscript and typescript of 'Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Countries: a Review', given at Heidelberg File 3 Jun 1970
227 Manuscript of 'Issues on Centralised & De-Centralised Planning in Socialist Economy', given to a CPGB Summer School at Swanwick, with correspondence File Jul-Aug 1971
229 Manuscript and typescript og 'Some Reflections on Trends in Nineteenth Century Economic Theory', given to University College London File 7 Mar 1972
233 Manuscript of 'The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism', given to the Communist University of London File 1971–73