
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
116 Manuscript of 'Wage-Policy', given to a CSCA Summer School, Beatrice Webb House File 16 Sep 1948
119 Manuscript of 'Economics and History: The Changing Scope and Content of Economic Studies' File 10 May 1948
122 Manuscript of 'Monetary Policy in USSR', given to the Economic Reform Club and Institute File 5 Oct 1948
142 Manuscript of 'Some Aspects and Problems of Economic Planning in the USSR', given to the Commerce Conference, University of Birmingham File 15 Mar 1952
153 Manuscript of planning 'Planning' File ?1959
168 Manuscripts and printed copies of 'The Planned Economies of the USSR and Eastern Europe', Cambridge University lectures: File Mich 1961
171 Manuscript of 'Some Recent Trends in "Western" Economics', given at the University of Warsaw File 14 Apr 1962
174 Manuscript and typescript of 'Ways of Industrialising Underdeveloped Countries, given at the LSE File 22 Nov 1962
176 Manuscript of 'The Course of Soviet Economic Development' File c1962–63
178 Manuscript of 'Recent Economic Changes in the Socialist World" File c1962–64
179 Manuscript of 'The Discussion on the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism' File 1963
183 Manuscript of 'Allocations of Investment between Sectors in Planned Economies of Eastern Europe', lecture to a seminar of Prof Zauberman at the LSE: File 1964
184 Manuscript of 'Some Questions of Economic Planning', given to the Cambridge Marxist Society: File 20 Jan 1964
191 Manuscript of 'The Economic Case for Socialism', given to CPGB in Luton File 24 Jun 1966
200 Manuscript of 'Marx's Theory of Capitalism: A Centenary Review', given to the Oxford Union Society, with correspondence File 24 Oct 1967
202 Manuscript of 'Economic Development in Eastern Europe' File 1968
206 'The Economic Reform - USSR' File c1968–69
207 Manuscript of 'Some Controversial Questions in Contemporary European Socialism', given to the CPGB File 1969
208 Manuscript of 'Development of [Soviet] Economic Planning 1917-67', given at Birmingham University: Item 1969
212 manuscript and typescript of 'Price-Policy in Socialist Economies', given to seminars at Birmingham and Leicester File 1969
215 Manuscript of 'The Market Economy', given to the Communist University of London File Jul 1969
217 Manuscript of 'Market Economy Versus Planning', prepared for the Oxford University Humanist Group. Possibly not delivered File 31 Oct 1969
218 Manuscript of 'Stalinism as a System', given to the CPGB [possibly the Cambridge University branch] File c1970
223 Manuscript and typescript of 'The relevance of the Labour Theory of Value', given at the School of Economics, Tilberg, Holland File 11 Sep 1970
224 Manuscript of lectures on Welfare Economics given to the Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University: File Mich 1970–72
228 Manuscript of 'The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism', given to the Communist University of London File 1971–73