Level of description
Digital object |
31 |
Articles of agreement for a marriage settlement between Philippe Muysson, Lord of Touillon and Rieux, and Charlotte Le Coq St. Leger |
Item |
[n.d.] |
38 |
Appointment of Claude Robert Higgens as a trustee in the marriage settlement between Joseph Bickersteth Mayor and Alexandrina Jessie Grote |
Item |
14 Nov 1902 |
39 |
Discharge of Francis Cottrell Hodgson as a trustee in the marriage settlement between Joseph Bickersteth Mayor and Alexandrina Jessie Grote |
Item |
16 Oct 1912 |
40 |
Probate of the will of Charlotte Mayor |
Item |
8 Mar 1870 |
46 |
Copy death certificate of Georgina Allix Mayor |
File |
[16 Dec 1897] |
56 |
Schedule of deeds relating to the marriage settlement of Joseph Bickersteth Mayor and Alexandrina Jessie Mayor |
Item |
[1927?] |
6 |
Lease of a dwelling house and lands in Shinfield from Sir Henry Winchcombe of Bucklebury to John Chesterman of Shinfield |
Item |
24 Sept 1701 |
30 |
Copy will of Theodore de St Leger |
Item |
[n.d.] |
2 |
Bargain, sale and release of a cottage and appurtenances in Wing from Hugh Howes to Rev. Henry Jerome de Salis |
Item |
12-13 Nov 1794 |
8 |
Deed of covenant for the use of lands in Shinfold and Billingshurst between Mary Peckwell of Chichester and Joseph Cook of St Bartholemew's, London |
Item |
7 Jun 1769 |
11 |
Copy will of Theodore Le Coq St. Leger |
Item |
[1712] |
20 |
Mortgage between Henrietta Blosset and John Anngar Esq. |
Item |
28 Oct 1777 |
21 |
Abstract of a mortgage between Sir John Blaquiere, bart., and Elizabeth Dorothy Blosset, widow |
Item |
[22 Nov 1788] |
22 |
Copy marriage settlement between Henry Peckwell, clerk of St. James Westminster and Bella Blossett of St. George Hanover Square |
Item |
[20 Feb 1773] |
24 |
Abstract of incumbrances affecting 43-45 Grafton Street, Dublin |
Item |
post 1780 |
26 |
Memorandum of enrollment of lands in Drakestown Grange and Williamstown, St. Stephen's Green and Grafton Street in Dublin |
Item |
12 Dec 1786 |
29 |
Draft lease of lands in Drakestown Grange, Lennonstown and Chapel Farm als Peterschurch Farm from Robert Henry Blosset, Serjeant at Law, to Arthur Hills Cornwallis Pollock |
Item |
27 Aug 1821 |
32 |
Account of M. de St. Leger as a lieutenant in the army |
Item |
1692-1693 |
33 |
Certificate of the baptism of John Mayor |
Item |
1778 |
34 |
Will of John B. Hollings |
Item |
9 Aug 1803 |
35 |
Certificate of the baptism of John Hollings Mayor |
Item |
1821 |
37 |
Appointment of Robert John Grote Mayor as a trustee in the marriage settlement between Joseph Bickersteth Mayor and Alexandrina Jessie Grote |
Item |
15 Sept 1898 |
42 |
Defence of Robert Bickersteth Mayor in the case Mayor v Mayor |
Item |
[May] 1895 |
45 |
Death certificate of Elizabeth Mayor |
File |
8 Dec 1896 |
50 |
Copy will of Katherine Anne Mayor |
Item |
1908 |
52 |
Copy will of Emily Mabel Mayor, with death certificate and account for burial |
File |
1917-1927 |
54 |
Declarations of inheritance arising out of the will of Alexandrina Jessie Mayor |
File |
1927 |
1 |
Admission of Zacheus Coles into a cottage with appurtenences in WIng |
Item |
12 Oct 1759 |
4 |
Bargain and sale of a dwelling house and appurtenances in Stratfield Mortimer from Thomas Paish to John Noye of Shinfield |
Item |
20 Apr 1664 |
5 |
Sale of goods and chattels in Shinfield |
Item |
26 Nov 1680 |