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- 10 Mar 1904 (Produção)
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1 item
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Âmbito e conteúdo
8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Has been unwell and 'laid up', but is now better. [George and Janet's] wedding seems very near; wishes Elizabeth and Robert could be there. George is busy going over his book ["England Under The Stuarts"] with [Charles] Oman, and she thinks all but the last chapter will be finished before the wedding; he is taking a few days in the country from tomorrow. Charlie was 'triumphantly returned' for the North[umberland] C[ounty] C[ouncil] but looks tired; worries about him taking on more work. Mary looks very happy. Glad Elizabeth saw her 'pretty friend [sic] Mrs Salamon' [Jeanne Salamonson Asser] and had some music; Robert also writes that the Hardys [G. H. Hardy and his sister?] have come. Hopes Elizabeth gets to visit the Netherlands before returning to England. Looking forward to getting the things from Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht]; hopes there is a good reason for their sale at Taormina. Elizabeth must come to stay at Welcombe while Robert goes to his friends [G E Moore's reading party] if they are back in England by then. Sir George is reading newspapers each morning at the British Museum, which 'he hates doing'; he will finish this week. Booa [Mary Prestwich] is 'very beaming over George', and all [wedding] arrangements are going well.
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Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Janet Penrose (1879-1956), author (Assunto)
- Oman, Sir Charles William Chadwick (1860-1946) knight, historian (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Assunto)
- Asser, Adriana Ripperdina Salomonson (1873-1961) singer and translator, known as Jeanne (Assunto)
- Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947), mathematician (Assunto)
- Hardy, Gertrude Emily (1878-1963), schoolteacher (Assunto)
- Hubrecht, Abrahamina Arnolda Louise Grandmont (1855-1913) painter, wife of Alphonse Grandmont (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- British Museum (Assunto)
- Prestwich, Mary Barrow (c 1843-1924) housekeeper to Sir George and Lady Trevelyan, known as Booa (Assunto)