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- 3 June 1876 (Vervaardig)
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1 letter; pasted onto scrapbook page.
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8 Grosvenor Crescent, S. W. - Agrees with Dr [William Neilson?] Hancock that it is much better to give widows 'any necessary measure of outdoor relief' to enable to 'bring up their children in an united family' rather than the mother being sent to the workhouse and children to workhouse schools; the way in which children are 'separately absorbed into vast orphanages and the mother left to go to the bad without affection or responsibility is lamentable in the extreme'. There should be periodical checks to 'apportion the assistance strictly to the need' as circumstances change, and family members on whose aid the widow has a claim must be 'made to contribute'. Requests that she asks Dr Hancock to send him fifty copies of his 'Slip' [?], so Trevelyan can 'raise the discussion' in the council; will send Hancock a postal order in payment. Note in ink at top right [in Miss Hill's hand?] 'Out-relief to Widows. Sir C. E. Trevelyan'. Label on scrapbook page below pasted-in letter: 'Sir Charles Trevelyan K.C.B. Governor of Madras 1859-60'. 'Donor 'recorded in ink at the bottom of the page as being 'Mr Henry Allen who received it from' [last four words scribbled over].