Stuk 87 - Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Sophie Weisse to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 19 Aug [1913] (Vervaardig)



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Hôtel Bellevue. Bad Nauheim, Hesse. - Asks Bessie to let her know that Donald [Tovey] has arrived at the Shiffolds and how he is; has had 'a sentence or two from him most days' but supposes she will always feel 'a long torment' at being a long distance from him. Has had a tonic for his 'gouty eczema' sent for him; he has promised to 'let a good doctor take him in hand again' when she gets back. Is worried he may be feeling 'hustled over his Symphony' since he is always 'incurably optimistic' about how long things will take him; he expected to have it done by now and to 'completely finish Ariadne ["The Bride of Dionysus"] by the end of next month'; but she is 'quite happy with his output this year'. Wishes he took a 'real jovial holiday' sometimes, but perhaps his concert tour of Germany will provide that. Was very disappointed about Augustin; had discussed it with [George?] Henschel and was planning to commission Augustin to arrange a concert tour for Donald this winter, but Donald insisted 'it was all being arranged' and 'lo there is nothing!'. It matters less, though, as Willy Strecker's father is coming on Sunday and she thinks they will organise something for 1914-1915 at least. Asks Bessie to tell her what Donald says about the Borsdorf concert plan, which 'sounded very promising and jolly'; she is prepared to back it financially and hopes others will too; it is what should have been done with the Chelsea concerts. Also asks if Donald can be kept from 'sweet things and fruit in any form, cooked or raw'. Hopes Bessie is less tired than when she saw her last; complains about the weather.

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