Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
56 Letter from Thomas Flower Ellis to George Henry Ellis Item 8 Mar. 1860
59 Letter from Thomas Flower Ellis to George Henry Ellis Item 13 Mar. 1860
63 Inland Revenue receipt for discharge of duty on legacy to Margaret Jean Holland Item 17 Mar. 1860
68 Letter from Henry Thurstan Holland to [George Henry?] Ellis Item 13 Apr. 1860
73 Inland Revenue receipt for discharge of duty on legacy to Henry Denman Macaulay Item 12 Jun. 1860
74 Inland Revenue receipt for discharge of duty on legacy to Joseph Babington Macaulay Item 12 Jun. 1860
76 Draft certificate of payment of duty on legacy to Henry Denman Macaulay Item 22 Jun. 1860
78 Office copy of Court of Chancery certificate of payment of legacy for Henry Denman Macaulay, a minor Item 3 Jul. 1860
84 Residuary Account Item 8 Aug. 1860
88 Draft letter from Sir Charles and Lady Trevelyan to Thomas Flower Ellis Item [Aug. 1860]
96 Account of expenses attending executorship per Residuary Account Item [1860]
100 Letter from Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan to George Henry Ellis Item 16 Nov. 1860
101 Draft general release, residuary legatee to Lord Macaulay's executor Item 16 Nov. 1860
105 Draft affidavit of Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan for the Commissioners of Inland Revenue Item 28 Feb. 1874
107 Draft memorial to Court of Inland Revenue on application for free duty mark on double probate Item 28 Feb. 1874
109 Memorandum of grant for free mark on Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan's application for double probate Item 5 Mar. 1874
111 Note addressed to Mr Drummond requiring him to sell consoles and credit the proceeds to the writer's account Item [1860?]
114 Inventory of Household Linen Item Sept. 1858
121 Letter from Sigmund Rothenheim to Thomas Flower Ellis Item 9 Feb. 1860
1 Agreement with Messrs Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans for the publication of articles selected from the Edinburgh Review Item 18 Jan. 1843
10 Stock of Macaulay's works Item 15 Nov. 1858
12 Corrections for 1858 edition of Macaulay's History [of England], Vol. 1 Item [1858]
14 Letter from Thomas Longman to Lord Macaulay Item 29 Sept. 1859
16 Account of Thomas Babington Macaulay with Longman, Brown & Co Item Jun. 1856-Jun. 1857
17 Account of Lord Macaulay with Longman, Brown & Co Item Jun. 1858
13 Copy assignment of leasehold of Holly Lodge, Thomas Flower Ellis to Earl of Airlie Item 10 Mar. 1860
17 Receipt for the letting of Holly Lodge Item [Jun.] 1860
24 Letter from Edwin Smith & Co to George Henry Ellis Item 11 Jan. 1860
26 Letter from Hannah More Trevelyan to [George Henry?] Ellis Item Jan. 1860 [received 14 Jan.]
31 Letter from H. & R. Powell to Lyon, Barnes & Ellis Item 19 Jan. 1860