Stuk 168 - Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick


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Add. MS c/101/168


Letter from Mary Sidgwick to Henry Sidgwick


  • 28 Sep 1865 (Vervaardig)



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Refers to household arrangements, which she hopes will be completed soon. Reports that William came to Rugby the previous Friday, and think that he will be there until he returns to Oxford on 14 October. Expects Henry and his friend Cowell on Tuesday 10 October, and tells him to let her know for certain when he is coming, and if he wants to have a small party for him. Announces that Arthur expects Mr [William?] Everett to come for a night or two also. Explains the accommodation situation with regards number of beds and bedrooms. Refers to a drowning in Cambridge [that of Henry John Purkiss, see 99/51], and claims that Mrs Rhoades told her that James [her son] knew the victim.

Reports that Arthur has had more information about Dr [Henry Weston?] Eve's resignation, 'and appears to think that the Fellowship is given up on religious grounds....' Adds that she has heard nothing from Wellington College. States that Arthur got [The Life and Writings of] Major Downing, but 'does not think much of it', and she claims to find it vulgar and dull. Asks Henry to send her send her the numbers of Macmillan's Magazine when he is finished with them. Reports on the health of both Arthur and William, and on the good weather that they are having in Rugby.

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