Miscellaneous applications and for and offers of academic posts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Application for the Imperial Chemical Industries Fellowship File 1946
11 Letter from Batchelor to G I Taylor explaining why he has declined the offer of a Fellowship by Clare College File 5 Jun 1951
15 Enquiry as to whether Batchelor would be interested in applying for the Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Nottingham File
4 Correspondence relating to GKB’s offer to lecture at German universities in the British Zone File 1947-1948
7 Papers relating to the Goldsmid Chair in Applied Mathematics at University College London for which Batchelor did not ultimately allow his name to be put forward File 1951
12 Correspondence relating to the Chair of Mathematics at Sheffield University File 1952
16 Enquiry as to whether Batchelor would be interested in applying for the Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Sheffield File 25 Nov 1954
3 Offer of a lectureship at Brown University File 1947
6 Papers relating to an application for a Royal Society Smithson Research Fellowship which Batchelor later withdrew File 1948
8 Unsuccessful application for a British Council Travel Grant File 1951-1952
13 Correspondence relating to the Chair of Mathematics at the University College of the South West, Exeter File 25 Jun 1952
14 Enquiry as to whether Batchelor would be interested in applying for the Chair of Applied Mathematics at University College Swansea File 15 Apr 1953
2 Papers relating to a successful application for a Royal Exhibition Senior Studentship File 1946-1949
5 Papers relating to a scholarship from the English Speaking Union, Cincinatti Branch File 1947
9 Correspondence relating to an offer of a College lectureship by Sidney Sussex College File 1949
10 Copy application for the Mond Professorship in Aeronautical Engineering, with acknowledgement File 1952
17 Correspondence relating to the Chair of Mathematics at Imperial College London File 30 Aug 1955