Notebooks, reviews and articles, poems, and Christmas cards by Rose Macaulay

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
69 Typescript of poem, Peace Nights Item [Nov/Dec 1918?]
76 Poem, Dead Earth Item [c 1931?]
81 Typescript of poem, Sicut erat in Principio I Item [post 1945]
89-90 Typescripts of poem, Pleasures of Landscape Gardening, 1751, 1951 Item [n.d., 1950?]
91-92 Typescripts of poem, The Ruined Garden, 1740. 1941 Item [n.d., 1941?]
95 Manuscript of untitled poem, first line 'There lies a place, yea, very near...' Item [n.d]
11 Typescript copy of article, 'Style in English Religious Writing', for the Times Literary Supplement Item [1956?]
12 Typescript copy of review of A House and Its Head by Ivy Compton-Burnett Item [1935/1936?]
13 Typescript of article from 'A Spectator's Notebook' series, on private cars Item [1939-1945]
15 Typescript of untitled article, on the war-time situation of women Item [1939-1945]
16 Proof copy of 'January on the Air', news-cutting from Time and Tide Item 26 Jan [1940?]
20 Typescript of review of West Indian Summer: A Retrospect by James Pope-Hennessey Item [1943/1944]
24 Typescript of 'The Battle for Britain', for BBC broadcast 'The Critics' Item [1948]
27 Newspaper cutting, 'September on the Air' [Time and Tide] Item [1946?]
33 Typescript of 'First Impact' Item [1958?]
34 Typescript of 'Dated' Item [1956?]
52 Manuscript of poem, Via Appia Item [1905?]
55 Photocopied pages of poems, The Net-Breakers and The Unslain, from the Second Problems Book Item [n.d.]
56 Newspaper cutting from Westminster Gazette: poem, Thoughts from Great Minds on Crying for the Moon Item 8 Sept 1910
57 Newspaper cutting from Saturday Westminster: poem, A Letter to the New Professor of Latin in the University of Cambridge Item [1911?]
63-65 Notebook of poetry, with loose sheets Item 18 Oct 1913
68 Poem, St. Margaret's Day 1918 Item [1918]
71 Typescript of poem, Peace June 1919 Item [28 Jun 1919?]
72 Newspaper cutting: poem beginning 'Crazy mariner, out at sea...' Item [early 1920s]
73 Review of Macaulay's Staying With Relations in Public Opinion, including poem, Has the Sea Form? Item 26 Sept 1930
78 Typescript of poems, Et Nunc I, Et Nunc II Item [post 1945]
79 Typescript of poems, Et Semper I, Et Semper II [two versions] Item [post 1945]
80 Typescript of poems, Sicut erat in Principio I, Sicut erat in Principio II Item [post 1945]
82-83 Typescripts of poem, Pleasures of Building Carthage Item [n.d., 1949-1951?]
93-94 Typescript of poem, Dirge for Trebizond, with newscutting Item 1955