Notes, Lectures and Publications

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
72 Ricardo edition correspondence "S" file File 1930–46
74 Ricardo edition correspondence "U-V file File 1930–52
78 Correspondence with Barbara Lowe and Cambridge University Press File 1969–74
79 Note of "things to be done" File n.d.
81 Photographs and negatives for illustrations to the edition File n.d.
84 Reviews File 1952–73
86 Proofs File Aug-Nov 1936
90 Proofs File Oct-Dec 1950
91 Proofs File Oct-Dec 1950
97 Proofs of title pages File 1951
103 Proofs of the introduction File Jan 1951
104 Proofs of the title, half title and introduction File Mar 1951
110 Typescript notes on Huskisson's Question of depreciation File [1938]
112 Ts notes on Vansittart File [1938]
114 Typescript of Dumont's Bentham and notes by Ricardo File [1938]
162 Slips used in the preparation of the bibliography of Ricardo's works, many titles by Dobb with further information by Sraffa File c 1948-55
168 Ts of "Ricardo in business" Item c1952
170 Ts of the survey of the Ricardo manuscripts Item c1952
183 Reproduction of Ricardo's circular to subscribers for the 1819 loan Item [1953]
185 Proof of a table showing government loans with a "mock-up" of how the table should appear File [1953–54]
186 Title page of vol VI used as copy for the title page of vol X with ts of contents of vol X File [1953–54]
194 Index cards File 1950s-
200 Specimens for the Ricardo index File [1957]-71
202 Index to vols I and II produced by René Hague File 1959
203 Correspondence and photocopies used in the identification of Piercy Ravenstone File 1961–70
220 Notes, ms transcription and photocopy of a letter from Ricardo to S Beckett File pre 1972
225 Printers copy of the index Item pre 1972
226 Notes on a pirate edition of Plan for a national bank File pre 1972
234 Folder of correspondence on additions and corrections for the reprinted edition File 1969–71
239 Proofs of vol X Item c1973