Henry Sidgwick: obituaries, biographical material, letters to Nora Sidgwick, papers relating to University reform and to the Grote Club.

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
6 Printed article entitled 'Professor Henry Sidgwick' by E.E.C. J[ones], extracted from the Journal of Education Item Oct 1900
13 Printed tribute to Henry Sidgwick by Frederick Pollock, extracted from the Pilot Item 15 Sep 1900
16 Printed obituary entitled 'Dr. Henry Sidgwick.', extracted from the Leeds Mercury Item 30 Aug 1900
18 Printed obituary, entitled 'Death of Mr. Henry Sidgwick', extracted from the Times Item 30 Aug 1900
21a Letter from Robert Bowes to Nora Sidgwick Item 27 Apr. 1904
23 Letter from A. V. Dicey to Nora Sidgwick Item 7 Nov. 1902
24 Letter from A. V. Dicey to Nora Sidgwick Item 23 Oct. 1902
29 Printed review of Henry Sidgwick's The Development of European Polity, extracted from the Athenaeum Item 18 June 1904
30 Printed map of Groningen Item [n.d]
36 Letter from [ ] to Henry Sidgwick Item 28 May 1872
54 Letter from Arthur Sidgwick to Nora Sidgwick. Item 19 Jun 1904
64 Notes by J. N. Keynes entitled 'Dodgson's problem' Item [1894?]
69 Letter from Alexandrina Mayor to Nora Sidgwick Item Apr. 1904
85 Correspondence between Henry and Nora Sidgwick and Harlow Gale Item Mar-Oct 1900
87 Letter from Alfred Caldecott to Nora Sidgwick Item 27 Dec 1900
88 Letter from W. E. Johnson to Nora Sidgwick Item 29 Oct. 1900
90 Letter from J. N. Keynes to Nora Sidgwick Item 30 Aug 1900
96 Letter from Beth Finlay to Nora Sidgwick Item 24 Sep 1900
99 Letter from Alice Woods to Nora Sidgwick Item 2 Sep 1900
105 Letter from Alice Gardner to Nora Sidgwick Item 24 Aug. 1900
1 Printed obituary of Henry Sidgwick, and an article on his personal and academic life, extracted from the Echo Item 30 Aug 1900
5 Printed letter from F.W.H. Myers to the editor of the Daily Telegraph Item 1 Sep 1900
7 Printed letter from Frank Podmore to the editor of the Daily Chronicle entitled 'Professor Sidgwick. His Contribution to Psychical Research' Part 31 Aug. 1900
14 Printed letter from 'M.' to the editor of the Spectator Item 15 Sep 1900
15 Printed obituary, 'The Late Professor Henry Sidgwick.', extracted from the Liverpool Post Item 31 Aug 1900
19 Printed obituary, entitled 'Dr. Henry Sidgwick.', extracted from the Daily Telegraph Item 30 Aug 1900
26 Letter from James Bryce to Nora Sidgwick Item 17 Sept. 1902
27 Letter from Sir Leslie Stephen to Nora Sidgwick Item 14 July 1903
28 Printed review of Henry Sidgwick's The Development of European Polity, extracted from the Dublin Figaro Item 14 May 1904
35 Letter from F. W. Farrar to Henry Sidgwick Item 23 May 1872