Official documents and political pamphlets

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 'Reports from His Majesty's representatives in foreign countries and in British colonies respecting the application of the principle of proportional representation to public elections' Item 1906
9 'Germany's Reasons for War with Russia' Item 1914
15 'Report on the Propaganda Library' by George Cockerill Item [1917]
18 'The Soviets at Work' by Lenin Item 1919
19 Report on food conditions in Germany Item 1919
20 'The New Outlook' by Lord Cecil Item 1919
24 'Conference on devolution: Letter from Mr Speaker to the Prime Minister' Item 1920
26 'Economic Conditions in Central Europe' Item 1920
32 Correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet Government respection the relations between the two governments Item 1923
34 'The Secret History of a Great Betrayal' by E D Morel Item 1923
42 The "Polish Corridor": the facts Item 1933
43 'The Persecution of the Jews in Germany', published by the Joint Foreign Committee of Deputies of British Jews Item Apr 1933
45 The Persecution of the Jews in Germany: supplementary bulletin No 2 published by the Joint Foreign Committee of Deputies of British Jews Item Jun 1933
46 'Liberalism in the Modern World' by Lord Lothian Item 1933
47 'Education Under Hitler' by Vivian Ogilvie Item 1934
50 'Pacifism is not enough, nor patriotism either: the Burge Memorial Lecture' given by the Marquis of Lothian Item 1935
54 Germany No 2: Text of proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy Item 19 Mar 1936
57 Correspondence respecting Czechoslovakia Item 1938
59 'Danzig: what is it all about ?' by Karl Hans Fuchs Item c1939
60 'The Jewish People and Palestine', by Chaim Weizmann Item 1939
65 Final Report of Sir Nevile Henderson on the circumstances leading to the termination of his mission to Berlin Item 20 Sep 1939
66 'Thoughts on the new world' by Jan Smuts Item 1943
74 Offprint, 'Economics and Peace' by Sir Arthur Salter Item 1948
28 'The Terror in Action' by J L Hammond Item 1921 View
5 Documents Diplomatiques 1914; La Guerre Européenne 1 Item 1914
7 Recueil de documents diplomatiques: Negociations ayant precede la guerre Item 1914
8 'Common Sense about the War' by G B Shaw Item 1914
14 Dardanelles Commission: First report Item 1917
27 Correspondence relating to the Adriatic Question Item 1920
33 Further correspondence between His Majesty's government and the Soviet Government respection the relations between the two governments Item 1923