Official documents and political pamphlets

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
40 Mining Dispute: National Strike Item 20 Jan 1927
53 Statement relating to defence presented by the Prime Minister to Parliament Item 3 Mar 1936
55 Texts of the Locarno (Rhineland) treaty and the Franco-Soviet pact Item 21 Mar 1936
62 Correspondence between HM Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government Item Aug 1939
69 'The Quest for Peace' by Richard Law Item 1944
73 'The Right to Survive' by Chaim Weizmann Item 1946
3 'Memorandum by Mr Alfred Marshall on the Fiscal Policy of International Trade' Item 1908
4 Treatment of International questions by parliaments in European countries, the United States and Japan Item 1912
12 'After the War' by G Lowes Dickinson Item 1915
13 New Statesman 'Special Report on Professional organisations' Item 1917
17 Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act Item 1919
22 'English Literature and the Czecho-Slovaks' Item 1920
23 'The Czechoslovak Republic' Item 1920
31 'The Capitulations and what effect their abolition will have on the status of British subjects in Turkey: Memorandum by the non-official British community in Constantinople' Item 1923
35 Draft of a proposed treaty of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and the USSR Item 1923
36 'An appeal to British Fair Play, a German appeal for a reconsideration of the Versailles Treaty' Item c1924–25
37 'Soviet Russia: A description of the various Political Units existing on Russian Territory' Item 1924
38 Draft of a proposed general treaty between Great Britain and the USSR Item 1924
41 The Imperial Conference by A Lawrence Lowell Item Apr 1927
49 British Policy To-Day: General Smuts' Survey Item 13 Nov 1934
51 Working for Peace: A review of Great Britain's efforts to promote world peace, 1931-35 Item [1935]
56 'Germany's Foreign Policy as stated in"Mein Kampf"', published by Friends of Europe Item [1936]
61 'Fair Representation in democratic countries: A record of progress' - Annual report of the Proportional Representation Society Item Jun 1939
70 'The Community of the Parliaments of the British Commonwealth and the Congress of the United States' Item 1944
71 Despatch of HM Ambassador in Paris Item 13 Jul 1945
72 The Charter of the United Nations Item 1945
1 'Manifesto of the Communist Party' by Marx and Engels Item 1888
6 Correspondance diplomatique realative a la Guerre de 1914 [Belgian] Item 1914
10 Report of the committee on alleged German atrocities Item 1915
11 'The War and the Way Out' by G Lowes Dickinson Item 1915