Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
34 Receipt for purchase of radio from Alex Briggs Ltd. File 16 Jul 1963
36 Bank statements File 1950–1951
41 Bank statements File 1961–1962
43 Cheques and a statement File 1962
44 Cheques and a statement File 1962
50 Cheques and a statement File 1963
1 Round framed photograph of a woman Item [n.d.]
2 A notebook (notes on artists, their work and addresses) Item [n.d.]
3 A notebook (notes on artists) Item [n.d.]
5 Large empty envelope Item [n.d.]
11 Large photograph of a woman Item [n.d.]
12 Large photograph of a woman Item [n.d.]
16 Photograph of Delaroch's 'Les enfants d'Edouard IV', No. 10217, Louvre, Paris Item [n.d.]
22 Poster of Mr Phelps Item [n.d.]
4 Draft letter from Clive Bell to Wyndham Lewis Item [1913]
10 Eight notes on critical writings by Henry James, Fauget, Bourget and Flaubert Item [n.d.]
19 Letter from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 1 Mar 1964
37 'The sculptor's problem', Clive Bell, The Nation and the Athenaeum, Item 28 Jul 1923
39 'T.S. Eliot', Clive Bell, The Nation and the Athenaeum Item 22 Sep 1923
47 'Victorian taste', Clive Bell, The Listener, two copies Item 23 Jun 1937
50 'The school of 1938', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 26 Mar 1938
53 'Present and future', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation, two copies Item 5 Nov 1938
57 'The Camden Town group', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 1 Apr 1939
59 'Wall painting', New Statesman and Nation Item 10 Jun 1939
61 'Cézanne', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 8 Jul 1939
62 'French and English', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 22 Jul 1939
69 'Contemporary art-criticism in England', Clive Bell, Magazine of Art, 44 Item May 1951
75 New Statesman and Nation, unsigned contribution to 'Plays and Pictures', Item 16 Jul 1938
79 The Times Item 12 Dec 1938
82 'Ricketts and Cézanne', letter by D.S. MacColl, New Stateman and Nation Item [n.d.]