Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
24 Manuscript of 'Art and the cinema' Item [1924]
26 Typescript of 'Art and expertise' Item [1944]
29 Typescript of 'Art and expertise' Item [n.d.]
33 Typescript of 'Criticism and libel' Item [1919]
34 Manuscript of 'Festina lente', an essay Item [1950]
37 Manuscript of 'Style' Item [1924]
39 Typescript of 'Virginia Woolf' Item [n.d.]
42 Typescript of 'George Moore' Item [c. 1923]
48 Typescript of 'Let me hold and clasp the sweet' Item 22 Jun 1906
54 Typescript of 'To a very young lady who objected to being called modern' Item [1930]
55 Manuscript of 'Rag-time' Item [? 1920]
60 Manuscript of 'A song in welcome' Item [n.d.]
4 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Tues [13 Jun 1917]
5 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Tues [1917]
11 Letter from Frank Fawsett to Clive Bell Item 13 Dec 1918
14 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [23 Jul 1918]
16 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item 4 Jun [1918]
18 Postcard from Clive Bell to Duncan Grant Item [11 Dec 1918]
20 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [24 Oct 1918]
22 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [8 Jan 1921]
23 Letter with env. from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Thurs 2 Feb 1922
25 Letter from Mrs H.T. Bell to Clive Bell Item 14 Feb 1922
26 Letter with env. from Quentin Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [17 Feb 1922]
27 Letter with env. from Julian Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [2 Mar 1922]
34 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item 14 [ ] [1924]
38 Envelope addressed to Vanessa Bell Item [7 Feb 1927]
39 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [2 Feb 1927]
41 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [18 May 1928]
47 Letter from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Wed [1920s]
50 Letter from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item Sun [1920s]