Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
203 Postcard from Mary Pakenham to Clive Bell Item [14 Jun 1938]
208 Postcard from Peter [Quennell] to Clive Bell Item 1 Oct 1935
210 Postcard from Ralph [Partridge] to Clive Bell Item 30 [ ] [n.d.]
213 Postcard from Quentin Bell to Clive Bell Item [2 Jun 1939]
217 Postcard from Quentin Bell to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
219 Postcard from V[anessa] [Bell] to Clive Bell Item 30 Sep [1949]
220 Postcard from Janie [Bussy] to Clive Bell Item 30 Jun 19[ ]
221 Postcard from Janie [Bussy] to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
225 Postcard from Maud R[ ] to Clive Bell Item 5 Feb 1939
226 Postcard from Maud R[ ] to Clive Bell Item 28 Apr 1956
230 Postcard from Leigh [ ] to Clive Bell Item [22 Jun 1951]
231 Postcard from Leigh [ ] to Clive Bell Item [21 Sept 1951]
236 Postcard from T.S. E[liot] to Clive Bell Item [15 Jun 1953]
247 Postcard from Jenny de Margerie to Clive Bell Item [ May 1934]
253 Postcard from Fanny [Frances Partridge] to Clive Bell Item [23 Aug 1934]
254 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [ ] Oct 1934]
258 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [7 Oct 1938]
267 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [23 Sep 1947]
268 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [14 Feb 1948]
288 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [n.d.]
292 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item Tues [n.d.]
294 Wine chart on a plastic card Item [n.d.]
300 Postcard from Raymond Mortimer to Clive Bell Item [15 Sep 1948]
303 Postcard from Raymond Mortimer to Clive Bell Item 22 Mar 1953
309 Postcard from Gerry [Gerald Wellesley] to Clive Bell Item [2 Feb 1933]
317 Postcard from Gerald Wellesley to Clive Bell Item 25 Jan [1938]
319 Postcard from Gerald Wellesley to Clive Bell Item [27 Mar 1938]
320 Postcard from Gerald Wellesley to Clive Bell Item [1938]
321 Postcard from Gerald Wellesley to Clive Bell Item [13 May 1938]
324 Postcard from Gerald Wellesley to Clive Bell Item [17 Jan 1939]