Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
6 Letter from Clive Bell to the Editor of The New Statesman Item [2 Nov 1914]
7 Extracts from a letter from H.G. Wells to The Times, in Clive Bell's hand Item [31 Oct 1914]
11 Typed transcripts of letters from Thoby Stephen to Clive Bell Item 1902-6
12 Letter from Antonio Cippico to unidentified recipient introducing Clive Bell Item 25 Mar 1906
20 Letter from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 21 Mar 1964
26 Letter from Bunny [David Garnett] to Clive Bell Item 3 Feb 1964
29 'The coming general election', letter from Clive Bell to The Nation Item 10 Aug 1918
31 'The creed of an aesthete', Clive Bell, The New Republic, two copies Item 25 Jan 1922
32 'The cleaning of pictures', Clive Bell, Burlington Magazine, 40 Item Mar 1922
40 'Jean Cocteau', Clive Bell, The Nation and the Athenaeum Item 5 Apr 1924
44 'Picasso', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 30 May 1936
70 'The Courtauld Collection', unsigned but by Clive Bell, Times Literary Supplement, six copies Item 26 Mar 1954
72 'Saving the Old Masters', Clive Bell, Vanity Fair, incomplete Item Oct 1954
74 'Books in General', Raymond Mortimer, New Statesman and Nation, Clive Bell, Item 15 May 1937
77 The Times Item 18 Oct 1938
80 'A master of life', unsigned but by Clive Bell, incomplete Times Literary Supplement, Item 20 Feb 1953
81 The Tablet, vol. 188, no. 5542. Item 27 Jul 1946
83 Newspaper photograph of mural paintings illustrating the story of Cinderella designed by Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell Item [n.d.]
73 'Catalogue of paintings by Patricia Preece' by Duncan Grant Item 1936 View
6 Correspondence Series [1916–63]