Papers of C. D. Broad, Part I

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
37 Letters from H F Hose File 1926–30
42 Letter from Henry Price File 22 Apr 1943
47 Correspondence with Henry Coombe-Tennant File 1964-70
C Notes, lectures, and publications Subfonds 1910-69
D Material relating to psychical research Subfonds 1932-71
F Miscellanea Subfonds c. 1910-1971
1 Lectures on Stout's Manual of Psychology File post 1910
3 Lectures on Descartes File [1923]
8 Lectures on Spinoza File [1925]
9 Lectures on Leibniz File [1925]
10 Superseded pages from the lectures on Leibniz File [1925]
13 Lectures on Hume File [1925]
14 Lectures on Kant File [1925]
15 Lectures on Hegel File [1925]
16 Lectures on Schopenhauer File [1925]
18 Superseded lectures on Kant File [1925]
19 Lectures on Malebranche File [1925]
24 Revised lectures on Locke File [1948]
26 Revised lectures on Kant File [1950]
27 Revised lectures on Berkeley File [1952]
28 Revised lectures on Hume with a precis for a course on British empiricism dated 1954 File [1952–54]
36 "Induction" File n.d.
47 "Philosophy 1900-1950" written for the BBC European service but withdrawn by CDB File 5 Nov 1950
48 "Berkeley's denial of material substance" File 9 Nov 1953
54 Seminar on pluralism and monism File 8 Oct 1953
57 Seminar on self and ego File 12 Nov 1953
60 "Who killed Charles XII ?" 3 copies with a letter forwarding one copy to H A Hollond File 1955, 61
66 "Francis Bacon (1561 to 1626)" File 8 Jan 1961
67 "Hume's doctrine of space" - Dawes Hicks lecture, 1961 File 1961
68 "Memoir of Axel Hagerstrom" File post 1961