Papers of Dame Rose Macaulay

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
177 Typescript copy of letter from Constance Babington Smith to D. F. Conybeare Item 15 Mar 1957
182 Letter from H. B. Usher to Constance Babington Smith Item 10 Jul 1963
183-185 Letters from P. F. Anson to Constance Babington Smith Item 10-20 Jul 1963
191 Letter from E. Gillett to Constance Babington Smith Item 19 Jul 1963
192-193 Typescript copies of letters from Constance Babington Smith to Laurens van der Post Item 19 Jul-7 Aug 1963
200 Research for footnotes to Letters to a Sister, compiled by Constance Babington Smith Item [1963?]
208 Letter from W. S. Dixon to Constance Babington Smith Item 7 May 1964
212 Letter from J. S. Stewart to Constance Babington Smith Item 27 Aug 1964
5 'Letters to Father Johnson': typescript of problem passages sent by Constance Babington Smith to A. F. Scholfield Item 2 Feb 1961
5-9 Cards and letter from F. Brittain to Constance Babington Smith Item 15 Feb-25 Jul 1961
14 Card from F. B. Dalby to Constance Babington Smith Item 11 Jan 1961
47 Telegram from A. L. Pedersen to Constance Babington Smith Item 18 Mar 1961
67 Copy of letter from Constance Babington Smith to Father Williams Item 8 May 1961
68 'John Hamilton Cowper Johnson, Priest, S.S.J.E.' in Cowley, A Quarterly Magazine of Subjects Missionary and Religious Vol. XXXII, No. 3 Item May 1961
71 Comments sent by Constance Babington Smith to M. R. B. Carter on points raised by Rubinstein, Nash and Co. re possible libel risk. Item 29 Apr 1961
77 Letter from M. R. B. Carter to Constance Babington Smith Item 30 May 1961
78 Copy of letter from G. Greene to M. R. B. Carter Item 26 May 1961
80 Copy of letter from E. A. Evans to M. R. B. Carter Item 29 May 1961
84 Copy of letter from Constance Babington Smith to A. M. Conybeare Item 12 May 1961
86 Letter from Constance Babington Smith to E. R. P. Vincent Item 12 May 1961
92 Copy of letter from Constance Babington Smith to K. Madge Item 12 Jun 1961
96-97 Letter from E. M. Forster to Constance Babington Smith Item 11-14 Oct 1961
105 Letter from M. B. Johnson to Constance Babington Smith Item 15 Oct 1961
108 Letter from J. Charnock to Constance Babington Smith Item 16 Oct 1961
114 Letter from M. de Bunsen to Constance Babington Smith Item 23 Oct 1961
117-118 Letters from D. F. Conybeare to Constance Babington Smith Item [n.d.]
120 Copy of letter from Constance Babington Smith to D. F. Conybeare Item 25 Oct 1961
122 Copy of letter from K. E. Crawley to D. F. Conybeare Item [n.d.]
124 Letter from Sir H. G. Nicolson to Constance Babington Smith Item 25 Oct 1961
128 Letter from J. Duncan to Constance Babington Smith Item 27 Oct 1961