Papers of Dame Rose Macaulay

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
21 Photograph of French troops in Prieuré de Binson Item [1914-1918]
25 Photograph of a group of convalescents, probably in Prieuré de Binson Item [1914-1918]
32 Photograph of the chateau at Vaubin during 1914-1918 war Item [1914-1918]
44 Photograph of Chatillon children playing at soldiers Item [1914-1918]
51 Photograph of French soldiers gathered round a biplane, probably at Prieurè de Binson Item [1914-1918]
53 Photograph of cloisters prepared for arrival of wounded at Prieurè de Binson Item [1914-1918]
66 Photograph of soldiers' cemetery, Chatillon Item [1914-1918]
70 Photograph of three French soldiers in the trenches Item [1914-1918]
72-73 Photograph of convalescents leaving Prieurè [de Binson] Item [1914-1918]
76-77 Photograph of graves of French soldiers killed in the battle of the Marne Item [1914-1918]
78 Photograph of houses at Chatillon ruined by French shells during the German occupation Item [1914-1918]
81 Address card from P. Henoque with note to J. B. Macaulay Item [post 1918?]
98 Photograph of J. B. Macaulay in the garden at 452 Mawney Road, Romford Item 1960
103 Photograph of A. F. Macaulay as a small child Item [1880s?]
106 Photograph of A. F. Macaulay at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham Item [1900s?]
143 Photograph of W. J. C. Macaulay Item [n.d.]
145 Photograph of W. J. C. Macaulay's tombstone, with five negatives of his funeral Item 14 Nov 1945
151 Photograph of J. W. E. Conybeare Item [n.d.]
153 Photograph of W. H. Macaulay, taken in Oxford Item [n.d.]
158-160 Three postcards of Genoa Item 1887
163 The Macaulays' first home in Varazze, A. F. Macaulay at the window Item 1891
239-241 Three watercolours by M. C. Macaulay when young Item [1890s?]
264 Card from W. C. F. Plomer announcing change of address Item 16 Jul 1953
266 Notebook, with inscriptions, given to E. R. Macaulay by S. Lister Item 1 Aug 1957
103 Letter from Sir J. S. Huxley to Constance Babington Smith Item 21 Jul 1968
116 Letter from J Seabroke to Constance Babington Smith Item 3 Oct 1968
122-126 Typescript copies of letters to E. Bowen, 23 Oct 1968 - 14 Jan 1970 Item [1968-1970?]
138 Letter from M. Warwick to Constance Babington Smith Item 9 Dec 1968
150-151 Typescript copies of letter from Constance Babington Smith to A. O. Bell 15 Jan and 20 Jan 1970 Item [1970?]
160 Letter from E. Paterson to Constance Babington Smith Item 14 Oct 1970