Myers Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
8 Notebook of F. W. H. Myers, containing verses Item Jul. 1861-Nov. 1868
1-73 Letters from Susan Harriet Myers to F. W. H. Myers Item 1860-1896
109-110 Letters from Rt. Hon. Sir James Stephen to Frederic Myers Item 19 Mar. 1844-7 Dec. 1849
111 Copy of letter from Rt. Hon. Sir James Stephen to J. Cartmell Item 12 Dec. 1849
112 Letter from Samuel Lee to Frederic Myers Item 6 Dec. 1848
113 Letter from Walter Savage Landor to Frederic Myers Item [n.d.]
172-180 Letters from Henry Hart Milman to Frederic Myers Item 13 Nov. 1843-11 Jan. 1849
193 Letter from Frederick W. Robertson to Frederic Myers Item 28 Nov. 1848
197 Letter from E. Lynn to Frederic Myers Item 2 May 1848
202 Letter from Joseph Williams Blakesley to Frederic Myers Item 3 Feb. 1842
211 Letter from James Milnes Gaskell to Frederic Myers Item 10 Jan. 1848
1-4 Frederic Myers: Letters [misc. drafts] Item [1840s]
7 Letter from A. M. Fox to Frederic Myers Item 25 Jan. [no year]
9 Letter from Joseph Wolff to Frederic Myers Item 21 Jul. 1849
23 Letter from Thomas Spring-Rice, 2nd Baron Monteagle, to Susan Harriet Myers Item 24 Sept. 1889
24-25 Letters from Elizabeth Spring-Rice, Baroness Monteagle, to Susan Harriet Myers Item 24 Sept. [no year] - 19 Jan. [no year]
111-112 Letter and card from Jean Charcot to F.W.H. Myers Item 5 Nov. 1886-[n.d.]
117-119 Letters from Samuel Langhorne Clemens to F.W.H. Myers Item 12 Jan. 1892-[n.d.]
123 Letters from Francis Power Cobbe to F.W.H. Myers Item [22 Sept. 1882]
1 Letter from Teresa, Duchess of Colonn, to F.W.H. Myers Item [n.d.]
3-10 Letters from John Conington to F.W.H. Myers Item 16 Feb. 1861 - 24 Sept. 1863
18-19 Letter and note from Algernon Joy to Montague Hughes Crackanthorpe Item 4 Jul. 1900-9 Jul. 1900
26 Note from Sir George William Kekewich concerning F.W.H. Myers Item 4 Jul. 1900
33 Letter from George Howard Darwin to F.W.H. Myers Item 27 Jan. 1892
39-41 Letters from Aubrey Thomas De Vere to F. W. H. Myers Item 17 Sept. 1870 - 15 Dec. 1883
42 Letter from John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, to F. W. H. Myers Item 15 Jan. 1875
43 Letter from W. Dolson to F. W. H. Myers Item 23 Jun. [no year]
49 Invitation from Bruce, [R?] to F. W. H. Myers Item [n.d.]
56 Letter from George Henry Lewes to F. W. H. Myers Item 11 Jan. 1875
60 Letter from Annie Fields to F. W. H. Myers Item 4 Aug. 1884