Myers Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
18 Letter from M. Adams to R. W. Hooper Item 2 Jul. 1879
24 Letter of Donald Dhu, a black Aberdeen otter terrier [written by Katharine Alice Sumner Gibson] Item 27 Mar. [no year]
26 J.V. - poem in memory of Laura Tennant Item 2 May. 1886
66-71 Myers family - letters [incomplete, unsigned] to various members of the Myers family Item [n.d.]
326-334 Letters [incomplete] from Eveleen Myers to F.W.H. Myers Item [n.d.]
9 Letters from F. W. H. Myers to Eveleen Myers Series 1892-1895
184-284 Letters from F. W. H. Myers to Eveleen Myers Item 1894
174 Letter from F. W. H. Myers to Silvia Constance Myers Item 10 Apr. 1891
183-210 Childhood letters from F.W.H. Myers to his mother, Susan Harriet Myers Item 4 Jun. 1849-15 Mar. 1853
212-246 F.W.H. Myers - juvenilia [school reports, prayers, notebooks, purse, hair etc.] Item [n.d.]
29-30 Letters from Janet Mary Douglas to F.W.H. Myers Item 21 May 1855 - 1862
33 Letter from Thomas Myers to F.W.H. Myers Item 22 Oct. 1896
37 Letter from Stair Douglas to F.W.H. Myers Item [n.d.]
48 Letter from Laura Temple to F.W.H. Myers Item [n.d.]
49 Letter from Thomas Spring-Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle, to F. W. H. Myers Item 25 Apr. 1859
54 Letter from Harriet Meuricoffre to F.W.H. Myers Item [n.d.]
73-74 Letters [incomplete, unsigned] to F.W.H. Myers Item 18 Mar. 1861-[no year]
111-113 F. W. H. Myers - notes [misc. ephemera] Item [n.d.]
117-118 Letters from William Lambert Newman to F. W. H. Myers Item 17 Dec. 1879-13 Jan. 1894
119-120 Letters from Hon. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel to F. W. H. Myers Item 1 Dec. 1870
124-125 Letters from Edward Murray Oakeley to F. W. H. Myers Item 2 Jan. 1884-[n.d.]
128 Letter from Sir William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow, to Lord Bute Item 14 Apr. [no year]
144 Letter from Sir George Walter Prothero to F. W. H. Myers Item 16 Jun. [no year]
1 Letter from Richmond Thackeray Willoughby Ritchie to F. W. H. Myers Item 31 May [1870s]
4 Letter [incomplete] from Hemming Robeson to F. W. H. Myers Item [n.d.]
18 Letter from Albert Rutson to F. W. H. Myers Item 27 Feb. 1880
30 Letter from G. J. Scherer to F. W. H. Myers Item 8 Sept. 1888
31 Letter from Adèle Schuster to F. W. H. Myers Item 1 Nov. 1892
34-36 Letters from Sir John Robert Seeley to F. W. H. Myers Item 14 Jan. [no year] - 2 Apr. [1885]
38-47 Letters from Henry Sidgwick to F. W. H. Myers Item 24 Apr. [1877]-14 Jun. 1888