Papers of G. K. Batchelor

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78 ‘Rate of increase in coagulation rate due to gravitational settling. Given to a Euromech colloquium at University College Item Sep 1982
93 ‘Guide-lines for the formulation of dynamical equations governing a dispersion of particles in fluid’. Given at a conference on Particle-Fluid interactions on Davos Item May 1993
94 ‘Geoffrey Taylor’s share in the legacy’ given at a conference on the legacy of George Boole in Cork Item Jun 1995
95 ‘Hooked on research’. Given at MIT and at the symposium ‘In fascination of fluid dynamics’ at Enschede Item 1995-1997
96 ‘High Points in Research’ prepared for the Hopkins Conference on Environmental Fluid Mechanics [preface only]. Item Feb-Apr 1998
1 VII International Congress of Applied Mechanics File 1948
1a IUTAM and International Union of Astronomy joint symposium, 1949 File 1949
2 American tour 1949 File 1949-1950
4 Berlin fluid dynamics conference 1952 File 1952
6 Papers relating to a symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics in Washington DC organised by the Office of Naval Research File 1956-1957
11 International symposium on two-phase systems, 1971 File 1969-1971
17 Arizona fluid mechanics conference, 1983 File 1981-1983
26 Cornell, 1988, with correspondence relating to the tenth anniversary of the Graduate School of Aeronautical Engineering File 1956, 1988
31 Seminar in honour of Batchelor's 70th birthday File 1990
33 Arizona, 1991 File 1990-1991
34 California and Arizona 1991/92 File 1991-1993
35 Princeton – Richard Wilhelm lectureship in chemistry, 1992 File 1991-1997
37 Symposium in honour of the 80th birthday of Wladyslaw Fiszdon File 1992
3 Faculty correspondence Series 1949-1986
5 Students Series 1954-1993
7 References Class 20th cent
9 Lecture courses and seminars Series 1947-1998
10 Examinations Class 1957-1970
12 University Societies Class 1952-1953
1 Papers relating to the Rouse Ball Studentship File 1946
7 Letter from F H Sandbach notifying Batchelor of his appointment as a Director of Studies in Mathematics File 24 Jul 1953
8 Correspondence with Harry Wilkins concerning a notice for a memorial service for President Kennedy and other such notices File Nov 1963
11 File relating to the appointment of John Philip as Visiting Fellow Commoner at Trinity File 1993-1994
1 IUTAM Series 1962-1991
2 Euromech Series 1968-1998