Papers of G. K. Batchelor

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
5 Biographical material on Batchelor collected by Keith Moffatt File
10 'George Batchelor. A personal Tribute, ten years on' by Keith Moffatt Item 2010
5 Correspondence with G M Vickers, architect File 1952-56
7 Contractors account File 1952-53
9 Staircase File c1952
11 Metal work on doors and windows File 1952-53
14 Ppaers relating to the construction of a new gagage and conversion of the old one to a playroom File 1955-56
16 'Final payment of contractor's account' File 1962-63
5 'Note on the Resistance of Wire Gauze'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No 1 by G K Batchelor Item May 1941
7 'Calibration of Multitube Manometer'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No 5 by G K Batchelor Item Jan 1942
9 'Calibration and the Use of the Tunnel Speed Indicator'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No 7 by GKB and J B Willis Item Feb 1942
14 'Note on Critical Speeds of the CA-12 Interceptor'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No A15 by G K Batchelor Item 1942
18 'Interference in a Wind Tunnel of Octagonal Section'. Australian Council for Aeronautics report ACA-1 Item Jan 1944
23 'Note on the Effect of Rivets and Joints on the Drag of the “Bristol Beaufort”'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No 3 by G K Batchelor Item n.d.
24 'Calibration of Pitot-Static Tubes'. Division of Aeronautics, Aerodynamics Note No 61 by G K Batchelor Item n.d.
1 ‘Aerofoils suitable for high speeds: A theoretical investigation’ and ‘Two-dimensional subsonic flow of a compressible fluid’. Together submitted for the degree of MSc at the University of Melbourne File 1941
3 Correspondence concerning potential admission to St John’s College Cambridge File 1943-1944
2 Papers relating to a successful application for a Royal Exhibition Senior Studentship File 1946-1949
5 Papers relating to a scholarship from the English Speaking Union, Cincinatti Branch File 1947
9 Correspondence relating to an offer of a College lectureship by Sidney Sussex College File 1949
10 Copy application for the Mond Professorship in Aeronautical Engineering, with acknowledgement File 1952
17 Correspondence relating to the Chair of Mathematics at Imperial College London File 30 Aug 1955
2 Statement accompanying Batchelor’s Title A Fellowship dissertation, with critical comments on the dissertation by M S Bartlett File 1947
3 Letter from D A G Hinks concerning Batchelor and the Ministry of Supply File 21 Sep 1948
6 Papers relating to a survey by Batchelor of scientific periodicals in Trinity College Library File 1951
9 Copy letters by Batchelor concerning the nature of Title A Fellowships File 1984, 1986
10 Research Fellowship proposal File 1984
1 Papers relating to the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy File 1965
2 General faculty correspondence File 1959-1976
9 Advisory committee for the Plummer Chair in Applied Mathematical Analysis File 1975-1976