Papers of G. K. Batchelor

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
47 'Free vortex layers' Item 29 Dec 1943
48 Notebook Item 1944-
50 File of notes relating to long waves Item 1946
64 ‘Random convection and strong diffusion in a fluid’ Item 12 Jul 1961
65 ‘Steady spherical cap bubble without separation (as suggested by photos of various liquids)' Item Aug 1962
69 ‘Interparticle forces + stability of dispersions + ratio of coagulation + particle aggregation’ Item late 1970s
80 'Osmotic pressure (or chemical potential) as a basis for calculation of Brownian interactions’ Item 23 Oct 1974
82 'Note on the rheological properties of a suspension of spheres’ Item 31 Oct 1974
84 'The direct contribution to the bulk stress due to Brownian motion’, 1st and 2nd attempts File 19-21 Nov 1974
94 'Instability of a linear distribution of mean density (in the vertical) with buoyancy-controlled transfer due to turbulence’ Item Sep 1977
106 ‘Fluctuations in number of particles in a large volume’ Item 18 Jul 1983
107 ‘Sedimentation’ Item 21 Jul 1983
109 'Poisemille flow in a circular tube with a linear temperature at wall’ Item 12 Dec 1983
112 ‘Diffusion in a ternary system’ from De Groot Item 17 Sep 1984
114 ‘Proof that the sedimentation and diffusion coefficients for a polydisperse system satisfy the Onsager relations’ Item
115 ‘Note on the Lorentz and Onsager reciprocal relations for polydisperse diffusion and sedimentation’ Item
118 ‘Flow off tip of a slender cone’ Item 25 May 1989
121 ‘Letters and notes about virtual mass effects of a dispersion of gas bubbles in liquid’ Item 1987-1991
122 Fugitive pieces. Item
1 Letters of condolence on the death of Wilma File 1998
2 Papers relating to the Aitchison Travelling Scholarship, University of Melbourne File 1941-1946
4 Cambridge University Board of Research Studies: admission as a research student File 1943-1944
6 Correspondence with the Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research File 1945-1946
4 Correspondence relating to GKB’s offer to lecture at German universities in the British Zone File 1947-1948
7 Papers relating to the Goldsmid Chair in Applied Mathematics at University College London for which Batchelor did not ultimately allow his name to be put forward File 1951
12 Correspondence relating to the Chair of Mathematics at Sheffield University File 1952
16 Enquiry as to whether Batchelor would be interested in applying for the Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Sheffield File 25 Nov 1954
1 General faculty correspondence File 1949-1986
1 Papers relating to staff appointments File
3 Papers relating to secretarial assistance within the Department File