Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
75 'The Rutherford Memorial Lecture: Reminiscences of the founder of nuclear science and of some developments based on his work', by N. Bohr Item
1 BBC Radio: 'Kann man Atome sichtbar machen?' File 1947–1948
11 BBC Radio: 'Theory and experiment' File 1955
1 Paper on diffraction of slow electrons by crystals Item [1934?]
11 Untitled talk or article Item c1952
13 'Giant accelerators - what do we expect from them?' Item 1953
19 'Counting atomic particles' File 1955
20 'An electron accelerator for arbitrarily high energies' File 1955
24 'Peaceful uses of atomic fission' File July 1957
24A Untitled article on the scientific principles involved in the release of nuclear energy File 1958-1959
27 'What do atomic nuclei look like?' File May 1959
34 'Experimentation with elementary particles' File 1963
36 'Die Elementarteilchen der Physik' and 'Die Datierung Vorgeschichtlicher Funden' File c 1964–1966
43 'From MeV to GeV' File 1973
44 'Presenting physics' File 1974
45 'Distinguishing the main types of radioactivity' File n.d.
47 'Track identification in high-energy jets in bubble chambers' File July 1976
58 Atomic physics today: correspondence with U.S. publishers File 1959–1977
59 Atomic physics today: royalty statements, reviews, blurb, etc. File n.d.
60 Atomic physics today: Frisch's notes for book, correspondence with colleagues re information, photographs File n.d.
61 Atomic physics today: correspondence with Basic Books Inc. File 1966
70 Chapters of a proposed book on 'New particles' File n.d.
88 Obituaries and biographical writings: G. P. Thomson File 1975
99 Requests for lectures and papers File 1976
104 Correspondence with publishers and editors: B File 1945–1974
117 Correspondence with publishers and editors: G. Newnes Limited File 1955–1956
128 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Scientific American - The Sunday Times File 1963–1967
132 Correspondence with publishers and editors: World University Library File 1963–1964
142 'Selective absorption of neutrons by gold' by Frisch, G. Hevesy and H. A. C. McKay Item 1936
143 'Capture of slow neutrons' by Frisch and G. Placzek Item 1936