Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
126 Frida Frischauer correspondence File 1954–1955
142 Lise Meitner: correspondence of O. R. Frisch and others File 1960–1965
145 Lise Meitner: miscellaneous papers about File 1958-1968
179 Lise Meitner correspondence with O. R. Frisch File 1931–1934
181 Lise Meitner correspondence with O. R. Frisch File May-Aug. 1939
183 Lise Meitner correspondence with O. R. Frisch File 1940
185 Lise Meitner correspondence with O. R. Frisch File 1943
189 Lise Meitner correspondence with A. Levy; G. Lion; A. Meitner; F. Meitner File 1903–1963
190 Lise Meitner correspondence with W. Meitner File 1912–1928
193 Lise Meitner correspondence with W. Meitner File 1933–1939
199 Lise Meitner correspondence with W. Meitner File 1951
205 Lise Meitner correspondence with W. Meitner File 1957
210 Lise Meitner correspondence with W. Meitner File 1960 and n.d.
213 Correspondence with Ulrich and Christel Allers File 1952–1979
218 Walter Meitner and Lotte Meitner-Graf correspondence File 1973–1978
231 Papers relating to Frisch's memorial service File 3 Nov. 1979
239 Miscellaneous caricatures identified by Frisch, G- K File 1955-1971
243-249 Miscellaneous unidentified caricatures File n.d.
250 Voice print of Frisch with Bell Telephone System publication Item n.d.
7 Photographs in an envelope labelled 'Pugwash 1964 (Karlovy Vary)' File 1964
11 Miscellaneous collection of photographs File n.d
13 Photographs of Sir James Chadwick's 70th birthday celebrations File Oct. 1966
19 Miscellaneous photographs of Frisch File c 1905-1969
22 '35 mm. Films' [negatives], mostly unidentified, but including some post-war conferences File 1947-1951
33 Audiotape labelled 'Russell et al on Einstein Beeth. 4tet; Children' Item n.d.
2 BBC Radio: 'The atom' File 1948–1949
3 BBC Radio: 'Introducing the atom' File 1949
5 BBC Radio: three talks on 'The modern picture of the atomic nucleus' File 1951–1952
7 BBC Radio: 'Causality in modern physics' File 1953
14 BBC Radio: 'The anti-proton' File 1955